Dental Keychain  What can make a better gift for our patients than this cute little tooth keychain! We have the perfect gift for Patients. Buy this Cute Dental Keychain Here…. https://www.phialigner.com/product-view/dental_keychain   read more...
25-Oct-2023 • 1010 views
Designed to cut soft wires, elastic ligatures and pins on orthodontic appliances. Taperind tip for difficult to reach areas. All edges of lock are lip safe for intraoral use. Buy This Pin and Ligature Cutter Here.. at affordable price. https://www.phialigner.com/product-view/pin-and-ligature-cutter   read more...
25-Oct-2023 • 991 views
The biggest advantage of aligners is that you don’t need to visit your orthodontist regularly. Only in case of severe discomfort or other persistent issues, your orthodontist will need you to visit the clinic. https://phialigner.com/dentist-profile/maharashtra/mumbai/sion/Dentist-Beyond-Smiles-Dental-Clinic-Dr... read more...
12-Sep-2023 • 1083 views
  Eating is not only about what we eat but also how we eat.  In today’s fast-moving life, it is crucial for everyone to understand the importance of eating slowly. Eating is a routine activity for all, but what makes us (the humans) different is our... read more...
16-Jun-2021 • 927 views
2021 began and here we are in the month of March- The  month of kidney awareness. Kidneys are one of the vital organs in our body who help in process of excretion. This is something that all of us were taught in our school days.  So what does... read more...
11-Mar-2021 • 818 views
*I WILL SPEAK UP*So everyone has come out to talk about Mental Health!That is not only fantastic, it's a reason to celebrate!Some dint know there was a term like this. Some dint know what it meant or where to apply it.Some knew they had issues... read more...
19-Jun-2020 • 997 views
Keeping your immunity up is very important these days.   The good news is that everything is available in our kitchen.  So let's get started  Some foods that boost immunity are: 1) Turmeric  2) Cinnamon  3) Shunthi or dried ginger helps boost immunity 4... read more...
08-Apr-2020 • 910 views
Time seems to have stopped. Few days back I was going to office. Life was filled with planning and examining various things. It's stopped now. Ok So I'm going to spread some awareness regarding what should be done during these times since I have done a certification. ... read more...
08-Apr-2020 • 932 views
  With all the tragic things happening around the world as a result of coronavirus, it might sound strange to talk about being positive and looking at the brighter side of it. But that’s all I can see that would bring calm in our lives at this moment... read more...
29-Mar-2020 • 904 views
In today’s hectic life everyone is so busy that it is difficult to find peace and tranquillity. We are so used to doing things all the time that we forget sitting idle and doing nothing for a few minutes daily is also good and helps us to recentre... read more...
13-Mar-2020 • 954 views
If a bit of overindulgence during Diwali has left you feeling sorry for yourself and terribly guilty for your food choices … join the club!  We've all been there. But fear not help is here… 5 tips to help you recover from an episode of overeating, binging... read more...
28-Oct-2019 • 884 views
I believe I can fly! All my dreams would come true, If I had the wings, in the blue. Enthralling and engaging As the birds would do.. If you feel like this the new BUNGEE workout is what you should be doing, it will enthrall and engage you like a... read more...
21-Aug-2019 • 988 views
Various Types of Tea for Monsoon #MONSOONVIBES       Hello, all the chai lovers!     Rain and tea share a special bond. The spirit of rainy season drives even the non-tea drinkers to indulge in the ecstasy of flavoursome and aromatic blends of tea. To be true... read more...
20-Jun-2019 • 1140 views
Unlike physical health, Mental health cannot be seen! It has to be spoken about! Health is a combination of Physical, emotional/mental, and social well being. Mental Health being one of the most neglected aspects of our country does not have enough awareness! The trend to have a picture perfect... read more...
15-Jun-2019 • 1026 views
Don’t go week in your knees!    Joey lost his lady love because he couldn’t kneel down to propose her and if he would he would need her support to get up… well a famous aphorism …all is lost in love and war... read more...
05-Jun-2019 • 1072 views
The first rule of going on holiday is to relax, recuperate and basically have a wonderful time away from routine. While indulgence is an essential part of vacationing - you may not want to come back 10 pounds heavier either.  Easy tips on how to stay fabulous on and... read more...
27-May-2019 • 1220 views

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