
Dr Sana Khan

A doctor, vivid reader, likes to learn something new everyday.
"Life is real, life is earnest and the grave is not it's goal dust thou art to dust returnest was not spoken of the soul" The human body and diseases lots of subjects and lots to learn. Asthma, diabetes mumps measles myocardial infarct were words and now they were... read more...
10-Jan-2018 • 939 views
They say books don't change people paragraphs do sometimes sentences do. To be able to write good compositions my teacher suggested me to read good books. That's when my beautiful journey of reading began.Time spent reading is the time utilized. I have cried, laughed felt every emotion... read more...
14-Jan-2018 • 1007 views
Soulmates is a frequently searched topic online. Everyone wants to know the signs of soulmates. Crossing paths with people doesn't link their destinies with you.  Soulmates are actually the people who you feel comfortable with, connected with, they don't trouble you, your entire being is absolutely at... read more...
22-Jan-2018 • 933 views
"Bards of passion and of mirth  Ye have left your souls on Earth Have ye souls in heavens too  Double lived in regions new " These beautiful verses are from the poem An ode to poets.  Literature is a masterpiece drawn by several poets, writers and I am... read more...
25-Jan-2018 • 927 views
Life has its own beautiful ways of teaching people.  A 6 month internship teaches a doctor so many new things. Sitting behind the chair is a great responsibility.  The patients expect so much and I'm just another human being like them but they constantly remind me of... read more...
03-Feb-2018 • 877 views
Telepathic communication sounds pretty outdated right. But I have experienced and I'm sure many of us must've experienced this. Repeated thoughts about a person , a place. Yes they're trying to communicate something to us.  There are some bonds our soul shares with the people that are... read more...
15-Feb-2018 • 913 views
February about to get over - breaking silence only one thing pops up in my mind The  world is a big bad place. But just remember that every dog has it's day. There's Sunshine after a storm and rain. Every cloud has a silver lining.  Everyone's... read more...
27-Feb-2018 • 815 views
Here's a quick advice to keep yourself hydrated in this scorching summer. 1) Drink plenty of water - try having detox  water - add some mint leaves , cucumber and lemon in your detox water. 2) Have plenty of fresh fruits such as musk melon , water melon. 3) Eat at regular... read more...
14-Apr-2018 • 813 views
Minutes to months to years all pass and we are left with routine. We have tied ourselves to the same system that has been going on for years. No time for emotions, expression or enjoyment. First comes school then high school then graduation. As soon as graduation is over placement... read more...
14-Apr-2018 • 882 views
Don't you miss yourself sometimes? The old person that used to enjoy, be happy cheerful , full of life? That person got lost , lost in this race.  Discipline has had a huge impact on everyone's life. Not that I don't like discipline but there should be some... read more...
04-May-2018 • 921 views
Social media has taken over the minds. People want a happy social life - whether in reality you're happy or not.  Regularly uploading photograhs and waiting for ages for somebody else's approval. Happy were those of previous generations. Those people whose happiness didn't depend on the appraisal... read more...
23-May-2018 • 874 views
From childhood to all stages of life a father supports his children takes care of his children and loves them tremendously.  The father daughter relationship is the most special one. Dad is the hero of every daughter. The angrier the mom the better the Dad. Every small achievement of... read more...
17-Jun-2018 • 1057 views
The best part about being a child is that you are willing to learn no matter what , you're ready to take risks , to try something new everyday. The real psychology behind this is that at that stage of life there's nothing to lose , no ego to take over... read more...
03-Jul-2018 • 876 views
There are often times when a person has to fight- fight for rights , for freedom , for passion , for pursuing what they want to innumerable fights.  A decision that might seem to be right for some must be wrong for the others.  Stereotype mentality while choosing career has got... read more...
18-Jul-2018 • 865 views
The journey of life is filled with fun , miseries , anguish , thrill , happiness , excitement , grief. The most exciting part of the journey is the future is unknown.  Many friends come and go in the series of life , you feel bad about losing them too but life has to move on... read more...
25-Jul-2018 • 1028 views
Destiny is something mysterious. I'm saying this to define and expose the different facets of this broad spectrum term called 'destiny'.  Some people are born with a silver-spoon, some middle class, some poor. Does this have any reason at all?  As per my observations about the... read more...
31-Jul-2018 • 946 views
Friendship is an extremely beautiful relationship that everyone experiences. Man is a social being. Acceptance , the spirit of unity , the spirit of togetherness ,Apnapan, apnaiyat all these are so important.  But everyday isn't sunday. Sometimes you do come across some people who are rugged, selfish. All this is... read more...
19-Aug-2018 • 846 views
Everyday I wish to do new things...  It's a very demanding wish to do something new daily...  One day just go to office and finish the whole year's work in a day... The other day pick up the travelling bag and travel across the world... ... read more...
24-Mar-2019 • 939 views
I was unable to enjoy college life due to  many reasons.  One of them being the distance from home to college as well as the distance between hearts.  There's a lot of difference in the opinion of people from place to place. I'm proud to... read more...
18-Jul-2019 • 879 views
Count your blessings and stay thankful to God... People are busy updating their Facebook about where they work..  I don't update anything about myself because I'm too lazy 😴 Lazy spending Me time  Lazy appreciating Life , writing, working.. How can someone be lazy while working.. yes when... read more...
06-Sep-2019 • 914 views
She had several people to work under her.. yet she wanted the most qualified female to run errands for her that could easily be done by the less qualified lot working in the office..  She thought she was superior , she only wanted to control others and when she found... read more...
18-Nov-2019 • 907 views
You dream of it and I have it  There was once a Prince . When the prince was born his father the king invited all the fairies but he forgot to invite one fairy. Now this fairy gate-crashed the party and she didn't curse the Prince. Instead she... read more...
15-Dec-2019 • 800 views
When you aren't happy and you cannot express it..it's horrible There aren't any responsibilities upon you yet you have to shoulder somebody else's responsibility just for the word of mouth.  When you die inside everyday and have become like a live corpse yet you... read more...
11-Jan-2020 • 873 views
Time seems to have stopped. Few days back I was going to office. Life was filled with planning and examining various things. It's stopped now. Ok So I'm going to spread some awareness regarding what should be done during these times since I have done a certification. ... read more...
08-Apr-2020 • 938 views
Keeping your immunity up is very important these days.   The good news is that everything is available in our kitchen.  So let's get started  Some foods that boost immunity are: 1) Turmeric  2) Cinnamon  3) Shunthi or dried ginger helps boost immunity 4... read more...
08-Apr-2020 • 917 views
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