When: Sunday, 23rd July, 2017 | 11.00 am to 3.30 pm
Where: Kalamwali Office, Bhandarkar Road, Pune
Learn how to stand out in the crowd! What makes the first impression isn't your product or service, but it's you. Prepare yourself for your own story. Make your personality stand out. Be and show them who you are.
For Who: Anyone looking to leverage his/her self-image to profit from, in personal life or the professional world. Students, Professionals, Business owners, and housemakers. Age: 18+
The takeaways: Confidence. Command. Influence. Motivation. Self-Assurance. Authority. Charm.
The session takes you through:
- Belief and Self-Awareness
- Physicality, Gestures and Verbal Delivery
- Etiquettes and Self-Presentation