Compassion is pity for someone like no other, And just empathy and sympathy for one another. To find a little spark of light, In this world full of dislikes. To feel kindness for others, Or may be just like a mother! Stop running away from problems, Lets find a solution... read more...
21-Feb-2021 • 935 views
By Adah Somji   The month of May , is one of my favourite months. It gives me a chance to be more grateful to my mother. Why? Because it’s Mothers day!! Mothers day is the day you spend time with your mother and love her even more. Mothers... read more...
12-Jun-2020 • 920 views
By Hridaan Firodia   On a warm summer night, Prime minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day Lockdown. That’s when I knew this virus was serious. I thought we’d be bored, but you don't know all the fun we’ve had. This story is... read more...
01-May-2020 • 1192 views
By Aliya Pareek     I have a very unique quarantine story as its about someone who l have grown with playing at odd hours, walking back from school, eating fun stuff, crying for little fights, getting scolded for a messy cupboard and cleaning up the mess. You must be... read more...
01-May-2020 • 991 views
By Ananya Rahul   It was Day 13 of Quarantine... I was missing the fun times and ran to my mother asking her for ideas to help me. She suggested that I could read books to pass my time. So, I went to my room and searched deep inside my... read more...
01-May-2020 • 1169 views
A work of fiction by our junior kalamkar Hiyasha Khatri  St. Mary's School.                                           Unknown Adventure   Rosey was a witch and her neighbour was Mia. Mia was... read more...
18-May-2019 • 1041 views
A work of fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Sara Katakkar.                                         The magic crystal stone. Once upon a time in Russia there lived a servant girl called Peony as she loved... read more...
24-Apr-2019 • 964 views
A work of fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Sara Katakkar.                                       The Rainbow Fairy.   Once upon a time, there lived a Fairy with five sisters. They lived in a castle in... read more...
03-Mar-2019 • 1150 views
A work of Fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Saanvi Shrivastava.       The Case of the Robbery at Wishwood Cottage   ‘Jack, Nora, come on! You know that we have to go in five minutes,’ their mother shouted. ‘Coming Mom!’ Jack yelled, pulling his sister... read more...
16-Feb-2019 • 1035 views
A work of Fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Saanvi Shrivastava.                                       The Magical Bedsheet   ‘Maya, let’s play something! Pleaaasseee!’ Maya’s younger sister shouted. ‘Not... read more...
05-Feb-2019 • 992 views
A work of Fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Samaara Gandhi.                       You can fight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy.   Once upon a time, there was a girl all alone. Without... read more...
26-Jan-2019 • 1174 views
A work of Fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Zoya Patil Sangwan   The Broken GlassOne day a girl named Piku was at home by herself with her helper doing some work in the kitchen. She was playing in her mother’s room and while playing she accidentally broke her... read more...
13-Jan-2019 • 1012 views
A work of Fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Shanaya Chaphalkar- 7 years old P.S. The illustration in the attached image has been created by her too.        Why did the crow get the black colour? In a forest lived all the birds with their master. One... read more...
07-Jan-2019 • 1276 views
It fell from her eyes, And against her skin She felt it, As she rubbed it from her cheek.   She knew not what it was Her anger, pain or rage But she decided to go along With what was in her heart.   But she knew that one thing... read more...
15-Jul-2018 • 966 views
Chapter 1 “Jack, Peter, I’m getting bored. Let’s go and play in the park,” Nora said one Sunday morning. Jack got up from his chair and started walking up and down. “I think the park will be closed today as it’s... read more...
13-Jul-2018 • 935 views
The Case of the Missing Donuts   Chapter 1 Knock, knock! `Jack, open the door, will you?’ someone called. `Coming,’ Jack said getting up from the chair. He opened the door of the playroom. His younger sister entered the room. `When is Peter coming back?’ she asked... read more...
13-Jul-2018 • 920 views

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