
You can fight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy.

By Team Kalamwali in Junior Kalam
Updated 12:47 IST Jan 26, 2019

Views » 1160 | 2 min read

A work of Fiction by our Junior Kalamkar, Samaara Gandhi.



                  You can fight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy.


Once upon a time, there was a girl all alone. Without a mom or family. Just a brother. Her name was Daisy. She was 8 years old. She decided she couldn’t live like this. So she travelled around with her brother. But soon people started troubling Daisy’s brother. She couldn’t take this and decided to learn how to fight the bullies away! So they wouldn’t trouble her brother again.

She went to a person named David. She wanted him to teach her how to fight. But David said to her, “you’re a girl. You can’t fight”. Daisy said, “I don’t care. I will fight no matter how long it takes. I will learn”. David agreed and Daisy started training.

Daisy failed in many things and lost but did not give up. She continued to practice even more and grew stronger and stronger. Finally she grew the strongest ever.

Now she wanted to go back home and fight the bullies. But David wanted her to stay and learn more. They both argued a lot but finally David understood why Daisy had come to his studio and gave up.

Daisy went back and fought the bullies very strongly. Many of them feared Daisy and never troubled her or her brother ever again! 

Moral: You can fight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or a boy!

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