

A mother of two boys and an artist at heart is what I like to be known as. When they are at their best I squeeze out time to paint and write. The only things that bring out the passion in me and keep me sane besides other little chores. I love writing for kids. I have personalised two kid story books and love to share my inputs and thoughts through the pen!
  I recently read somewhere, ‘happiness comes in salty waters’! How true this stood for me. We planned a trip to one of my most awaited dream destinations, Bali. From the cottony clouds we flew down to the palm trees, ocean breeze, salty air and sun kissed hair... read more...
16-Jul-2016 • 1017 views
It was late noon on a Wednesday, when my elder son returned from school. We had an activity class scheduled for him in sometime. I was very sleepy to go anywhere, the usual me these days, since my recently turned toddler keeps me awake at nights. I finished my tasks... read more...
26-Aug-2016 • 1144 views
I came across a post on a social media website two days earlier. They had lovely deals on some attractive story books for kids. I normally follow them for they keep coming up with new stuff. It keeps me up-to date with the requirements for new gen kids. But... read more...
10-Oct-2016 • 1310 views
 "Pl don’t touch my child!" Cried Neha. It was very late at night when Neha’s mother in law had shut the house doors on her and locked them from in. Only till a few minutes before the scene was different, the quiet looking daughter in... read more...
25-Oct-2016 • 995 views
It was a Tuesday evening, sometime in December. I came back home very tired after meeting up with my family who had just come down from The United States to spend their holidays here with us. All I did that day was take them shopping. That’s one... read more...
25-Oct-2016 • 938 views
I have a 6 year old chico/boy, who had taken up most of the space in my heart till recent. He soon had to share this space and keep it reserved for the one dwelling in me. Yes my second baby. Both my pregnancies were so different, that it... read more...
25-Oct-2016 • 942 views
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I am here now and alive my soft breath on my skin I feelI lay around thinking about what would you do when I leave when my soul decides to part through all the layers of my skinI will be laying there lifeless not even my single eye would blink... read more...
13-Dec-2016 • 1036 views
When we hear the word ‘love’, we start wandering our thoughts to all the people we are chained to. People who are closest to us and also the ones that are virtually not around. I believe each relation is beautiful in its own way. There can’t... read more...
17-Feb-2017 • 1094 views
I sit here gazing at the orange sky… looking at the sun bidding us adios for the day, peacefully returning to where it came from. Not too far across I spot a pair of eagles sitting on the coconut tree, staring away, they look mesmerised by what they see... read more...
06-Nov-2017 • 992 views
I came across this beautiful line that says, “motherhood is a choice we make every day to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of our own, to teach the hard lessons of life the simpler way and to do what is rightly needed”. We are... read more...
06-Nov-2017 • 981 views
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Under the star covered skies I lay myself down On the frosted grass blades I rest my crown   My thoughts are not with me My soul searching for it's peace I gaze around endlessly The world around me has come to cease   The mesmeric lights that I... read more...
15-Nov-2017 • 912 views
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since we are celebrating national siblings day here.. it bought me back to a piece i had written about my little brother....    Straight from my heart I write you a little poetry In simple and thoughtful words Carefully compiled for you my baby!   I can never forget... read more...
14-Apr-2018 • 882 views
It was scorching hot that day. The summer heat was getting unbearable. I was anyway in pain since a little while and the heat made it even more irritating. My neck and shoulders had been hurting and I was treating it through alternative therapy. Only that day when I was... read more...
18-Apr-2018 • 1154 views
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  I am not adrift nor am I lost  I am done wandering  But I still haven’t found that place  The stillness in me now awaits   Take me home  Take me there Show me the place  Where my soul would bare ... read more...
11-Feb-2019 • 1127 views
Sara was a charming twenty-one years young lady who recently stepped into her newly wedded life. Couple of months into this wedlock, she was still trying to adjust to the new life. It was a novel experience for her, from changing homes to cities to friends and now families... read more...
11-Feb-2019 • 1029 views
‘Am I really a Punjabi or I just have a fancy surname ‘ was the most common question I was asked after introducing myself to others specially as a kid! I have no idea where did my ancestors get such a funny last name from? We weren’t... read more...
21-Feb-2019 • 7133 views
I am a ‘stay at home’ mother, according to the new mommy era. I am no more a simple housewife, that I earlier used to be. But my life still revolves around my boys as my mothers did around us. The usual house errands and chores have kept... read more...
04-Mar-2019 • 1046 views
  Mr. and Mrs. Gupta, married for eight years now lived in a posh apartment in a Middle Eastern city. They worked hard all day in their respective fields. Neha Gupta, the wife still looked very sharp and dainty for her age at thirty five while Manoj Gupta, who was... read more...
27-Mar-2019 • 1091 views
It was my son’s seventh birthday. He was as usual super excited about getting a year older and having to celebrate his special day. The thing that actually elevates his joy is that of receiving gifts on that day. He was so confused about the list he made... read more...
15-Apr-2019 • 1070 views
         "Don't shout please and get away from each other!", "Is this really how you treat your own brother?” were the 'not-so-soothing' words that came out of my mouth that night. I was a witness to my boys’ fight, compulsively playing... read more...
25-May-2019 • 1046 views
  It was a lazy weekend and we had no out of the ordinary plans. We generally reserve the weekends for our kids and do stuff they like or they would want to. Since there was not much on the list that day, we thought of catching up on some... read more...
25-May-2019 • 903 views
I have two boys, aged ten and four. They are very precious to me. My life definitely revolves around them. While this remains a fact, the reverse is also true (at least for now ;). Living in a huge joint family, these boys have always been super pampered. I am mostly... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 955 views
She hugged him tight and cried. It was a dark stormy night. The clouds were intensely close, waiting to squeeze tight together and burst out. Nature was mimicking human emotions virtually. Zara didn’t want to leave him; not now at least. She was in love. The kind of... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 959 views
She hugged him tight and cried. It was a dark stormy night. The clouds were intensely close, waiting to squeeze tight together and burst out. Nature was mimicking human emotions virtually. Zara didn’t want to leave him; not now at least. She was in love. The kind of... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 950 views
Let me start this blog first by mentioning that I love my kids immensely. I can’t recollect what my life was like before I had them.  My kids are significantly important to me. Being a stay-at-home mom, I spend most of my time with them... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 1115 views
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