

By Priyanka Menon in Poems » Short
Updated 09:32 IST Nov 22, 2016

Views » 5717 | 2 min read

I try to find them

In the swollen eyes staring back at me

From a mirror that cracked

When the illusion shattered.

I try to find them

In the tinted memories

That your name has become;

In the voices that float inside

From right to left -

But I cannot make out

What they say.


Perhaps I’m not listening.


Everyone wants a voice.


Nobody has anything to say.


Words -

They’ve dried up like the tetra-pack you threw out this morning.

Where they could have leaked onto pages

That defined courage and hope;

Their disappearance has resulted

In endemic self-doubt

And guilt.


I never listened.

I should have.

In my quest to find a voice,

I forgot to listen to yours.



Now, when I want to

The joke’s on me.

Because the words… have dried up.



*more of this on www.finomenonwriter.com or www.fb.com/priyankamenonpoetry 

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