
dietician Rama Talak

A dietician by heart and profession
And as Diwali comes to an end … reminding people of their health Diwali – a week full of Feasting .This is the time everybody eats heart fully and then  with the end of Diwali comes the realisation of  unhealthy overeating  for which we convince ourselves with... read more...
24-Oct-2017 • 990 views
To start with a very Happy and healthy new year to all. Intentionally or not now a days every one you meet speaks about health and diet. Just a few years back, diet was something which was followed, only when somebody was ill. But today it is a common thing... read more...
07-Jan-2018 • 958 views
With India getting on the second position as a diabetic country, diabetes care has become mandatory. A proper care of the diabetic individuals is not only necessary but the preventive care of their family is even more a priority. Diabetes mellitus is family of two siblings. The elder one appears... read more...
24-Jan-2018 • 988 views
Valentine’s day, the day of love so why not celebrate our love with whom we never break up. They always have our heart and our heart is filled with its thoughts- right it is none other than our dearest food. Even a thought of food brings a smile... read more...
14-Feb-2018 • 891 views
 Holi is one of the festivals significantly related to human nature . The night of holi we have holikadahan which is nothing but getting rid of the evils overpowering our sense .The next day i. e dhulivandan or 5 days later rang panchmi we get colour, in short give... read more...
02-Mar-2018 • 1051 views
Hola , another day of colours is here  rangpanchami .  Colours are so much fun. In this life of stress colours in our environment soothe just like antioxidants do in food. Antioxidants are a necessity in the 21st century. we are not metals to rust then why do we need... read more...
06-Mar-2018 • 1035 views
As a dietician, I would never recommend a person to follow a very low calorie diet pattern . But after my internship under Dr Shah,I can surely say there is no harm in using very low calorie diet patterns. Very low calorie diet pattern is basically consuming much less calorie... read more...
08-Jun-2018 • 909 views
Snack times are the ones where we tend to commit to indulgences. But it is not our mistake, we are really hungry and then whatever comes in front is gulped. This is time where we have hardly any capacity to think all that our body needs is food. As a... read more...
04-Jul-2018 • 884 views
The first step sets up the base , is the foundation. If the first step is taken in the right direction takes you to the right destination. In case of our lives the first step towards healthy life is healthy diet. Healthy diet is not just fruits, vegetables, cereals blah. But... read more...
11-Aug-2018 • 1235 views
Food is not Good or Bad , It is you who  makes  it Healthy or Crap ;-) read more...
17-Mar-2019 • 847 views
2021 began and here we are in the month of March- The  month of kidney awareness. Kidneys are one of the vital organs in our body who help in process of excretion. This is something that all of us were taught in our school days.  So what does... read more...
11-Mar-2021 • 807 views
  Eating is not only about what we eat but also how we eat.  In today’s fast-moving life, it is crucial for everyone to understand the importance of eating slowly. Eating is a routine activity for all, but what makes us (the humans) different is our... read more...
16-Jun-2021 • 917 views
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