  “The political maturity of a country is measured by what citizens willingly do for themselves and one another.” Frank Prochaska Citizens of Maharashtra have known the D.Y.Patil family for many decades now, especially for their tradition of helping the needy. But when the Global Pandemic... read more...
18-May-2020 • 1879 views
The Global Pandemic of COVID 19 has changed the dynamics of everything. If you can think of 10 problems related to the pandemic to solve, there may actually be 12 problems that need solving. COVID 19 has also changed the definition of a hero. Today’s Heroes wear lab... read more...
16-May-2020 • 1353 views
      “Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Desmond Tutu As we know, COVID-19 and the lockdown it brought along have changed the dynamics of everything in the world. It... read more...
14-May-2020 • 1611 views
  “Think of giving not only as a duty but as a privilege”. -John Rockefeller While most of us conveniently think that this lockdown has tied our hands and we can’t do anything to help anyone, there individuals and organizations who are out on the streets... read more...
13-May-2020 • 1289 views
  “Having a lot and giving a little is CHARITY.Having a little and giving a lot is GENEROSITY”- Kalamwali  This story deserves more than a salute. It deserves an applause, a lot of respect, and immense amount of help. Dedicating your entire life for those whose... read more...
12-May-2020 • 1503 views
  “In a gentle way, you can shake the world”- Mahatma Gandhi COVID 19, is one of the worst known Pandemics to the world. Not only because of the way it spread across borders, irrespective of geographies, but also because of the global meltdown it has brought along... read more...
11-May-2020 • 1396 views
  "What you do with what you have, is what you will be remembered for"- Kalamwali. A global pandemic of the magnitude of COVID 19, will change many things in the world forever. It will be a part of history where the happenings of the world will be remembered as... read more...
10-May-2020 • 1619 views
  “When it comes to giving, some people stop at nothing.” ― Vern McLellan The COVID 19 pandemic has undoubtly caused a massive disruption and chaos in everyone’s lives worldwide. The silver lining to which has been the humongous cohesion among the people of this great nation... read more...
06-May-2020 • 1842 views
Mashal, which means Torch, has been named rightly so. Not only for brightening up places that have struggled to come out of the darkness and see some light, but also for lighting up the path which commoners like us can follow. Incepted nearly 30 years ago, Mashal, founded by Sharad... read more...
06-May-2020 • 1840 views
  Passion is a weird thing. Obsession is weirder. Passion makes you do things that go beyond your job and obsession makes sure you cannot see beyond your passion. This is a story about two headstrong women, nestling a common love for food. And it might be hard to say... read more...
06-May-2020 • 1494 views
  In a world where humans find it difficult to feel empathetic towards other humans, there is this tribe, led by a fearless woman, who have dedicated their entire lives to the betterment of the lives of animals. Imagine waking up each day, going out in the world, finding animals... read more...
06-May-2020 • 1912 views
“You know what? Teenage is such an interesting phase of life! When we were in our teens, our minds were pure and hearts innocent. Our life was like a random stone from which we would try and carve out a beautiful sculpture. We had no responsibilities to shoulder. We... read more...
16-Apr-2020 • 880 views
    Dev and Naina were celebrating their ninth anniversary today. This one, for a change, they had decided to be on their own and not take their in-laws and their seven year old daughter, Tara along with them for dinner. Every year they were surrounded by family and... read more...
29-Mar-2020 • 993 views
When her dad passed away I helped her get back on track with studies and all of her things and when I told her that her boyfriend is cheating her she broke the friendship with me! Six months later she also broked up with her boyfriend saying "you never loved... read more...
16-Nov-2019 • 860 views
She hugged him tight and cried. It was a dark stormy night. The clouds were intensely close, waiting to squeeze tight together and burst out. Nature was mimicking human emotions virtually. Zara didn’t want to leave him; not now at least. She was in love. The kind of... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 956 views
She hugged him tight and cried. It was a dark stormy night. The clouds were intensely close, waiting to squeeze tight together and burst out. Nature was mimicking human emotions virtually. Zara didn’t want to leave him; not now at least. She was in love. The kind of... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 966 views

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