छोटे से राज्य का बड़ा लालची राजा था एक बार बुद्धिमान चतुर लोगों के कहने से बासमती चावल पड़ोसी राज्यों को कम दामों पर बिकता है बासमती चावल बेचने से र... read more...
05-Jul-2024 • 552 views
दो दिन से लापता महेंद्र को जीवन की सबसे अनमोल बात की पहचान रोजगार ही आदमी की होती है, तब समझ में आता है जब उसे कोई न कोई नौकरी पर रखता है और न ही कुछ ख... read more...
05-Jul-2024 • 493 views
|| A Night to Remember ||   MIA! An absolute gregarious person, she was a dreamer, an achiever, a free-spirited soul that wandered to places and came with hands full. She just knew how to live life in full circles. Would soar from one high to another. Sometimes with a scratch... read more...
24-Jul-2020 • 1011 views
    Dev and Naina were celebrating their ninth anniversary today. This one, for a change, they had decided to be on their own and not take their in-laws and their seven year old daughter, Tara along with them for dinner. Every year they were surrounded by family and... read more...
29-Mar-2020 • 986 views
She hugged him tight and cried. It was a dark stormy night. The clouds were intensely close, waiting to squeeze tight together and burst out. Nature was mimicking human emotions virtually. Zara didn’t want to leave him; not now at least. She was in love. The kind of... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 950 views
She hugged him tight and cried. It was a dark stormy night. The clouds were intensely close, waiting to squeeze tight together and burst out. Nature was mimicking human emotions virtually. Zara didn’t want to leave him; not now at least. She was in love. The kind of... read more...
15-Oct-2019 • 959 views
Miraya had just turned thirteen and Mohit, nine.They were like any other pair of siblings, at that age.Goofing around, quarrelling, pulling each other’s legs. Basically, annoying the life out of each other.A straight forward dialogue exchange was nearly extinct, in their relationship.With both parents... read more...
01-Apr-2019 • 1009 views
After being neck deep in completing her presentation for 32hours without a wink, Riddhi decided to head straight to Nook; a nearby Restobar. She definitely needed a stiff one, before hitting the sack.Meandering through the packed restaurant to her usual bar stool, her eye caught a couple of familiar... read more...
22-Feb-2019 • 989 views
Sara was a charming twenty-one years young lady who recently stepped into her newly wedded life. Couple of months into this wedlock, she was still trying to adjust to the new life. It was a novel experience for her, from changing homes to cities to friends and now families... read more...
11-Feb-2019 • 1029 views
Like coffee on a cold winter night, Like the morning sunrise after a dark stormy night, he walked into her life, her Mr. RIGHT !   No it wasn’t the cliched love at first sight, nor was it the typical conventional love story; meet, date, repeat! NOOOO... read more...
01-Dec-2017 • 919 views
A lovely perspective on friendship by the 9 years on Saanvi Shrivastava who attended Kalamwali's Creative Writing Workshop this summer.    The Web of Friendship   Chapter 1: Once upon a time, there was a big park with lots and lots of grass. Everyone was happy in the... read more...
19-Sep-2017 • 1032 views
  This story is a work of fiction by a 9 year old who attended Kalamwali's Creative Writing Workshop in the summer of 2017.  TIA’S WORLD   Chapter 1 “Tia, are you ready?” shouted her mother. “Yeah, Mom I am almost done&rdquo... read more...
03-Sep-2017 • 1127 views
Another brilliant piece of fiction by the 9 year old Saanvi Shrivasthava who attended Kalamwali's Creative Writing & Storytelling for Kids this summer.            “Mom, let’s go and buy me a pair of shoes. The light blue ones... read more...
18-Jul-2017 • 1229 views
He had straight, neatly cut hair; sharp, intelligent eyes and distant eyebrows. I couldn’t make out whether his eyes were black or brown; it had a tinge of both the shades, but more of brown. His face was broad, but also on longish side, and not moon shaped... read more...
30-May-2017 • 959 views
An excerpt from "The Trail of Four" Stefan sucked in his breath, his heart plummeting to the pit of his stomach. The rain splattered all around the Schloss garden, the lawn underwater and everything slippery. Two of his men stepped out of the pond, hauling the body over the edge... read more...
30-May-2017 • 884 views
MR. R- THE LAST ACT PART 1 STORY:               Just as Rihaan hears the news, he drives fast and reaches his home and sees the whole place is blown into pieces and he sees ambulances taking people in... read more...
30-Apr-2017 • 932 views

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