Rekha was a curious 16 year old girl from a rusty little coastal town in the Prakasam district of Andra Pradesh.She had been packed off to Mumbai by her parents to earn some extra bucks for the family before being married off a few years down the line.For... read more...
25-May-2019 • 877 views
Farida grew up on the foundation of differences.Her brother Javed was mollycoddled while her fate was resigned to strict instructions.He got to go to school while she was forced to help with the household.He could play outdoors with his friends while she had to sit huddled with... read more...
17-May-2019 • 903 views
I chanced upon him at a subway station in New York. It had been a few years since I had heard anyone speak with that nasal stalwart Puneri twang which I so detested while growing up in our very typical "Koknastha Brahmin" household. However, on that very cold January morning... read more...
17-May-2019 • 1065 views
Miraya had just turned thirteen and Mohit, nine.They were like any other pair of siblings, at that age.Goofing around, quarrelling, pulling each other’s legs. Basically, annoying the life out of each other.A straight forward dialogue exchange was nearly extinct, in their relationship.With both parents... read more...
01-Apr-2019 • 1015 views
Stress by it self is a huge topic to deal with so I have decided to break it into fragments.For every fragment of Stress,I will carve a short story based on my perception and analysis.Here goes the first one:)Once upon a time there was a beautiful... read more...
26-Mar-2019 • 907 views
Nine year old Arjun was an avid reader.One look at his book shelf and you had Marvel the avengers, kid Krish, He-Man, Super hero Max, Hercules and many such flamboyantly dressed, brawny action  icons staring at you, head-on.        Arjun lived in... read more...
22-Mar-2019 • 989 views
Vasu worked as a nanny at the Mirchandani household.Her husband Dheeraj started off as a handyman of the house and over time had risen to the post of the most trusted driver of Mr.Akash Mirchandani,founder and MD of the biggest auto manufacturing company in the city.Akash... read more...
22-Mar-2019 • 921 views
Her Abbujaan had a concussion and Fatima could not bear the thought of not being by his side as he inched closer to his end.She had not seen her father for the last 10 years,not even when she lost Nouman,her husband in an unfortunate road accident.For... read more...
22-Mar-2019 • 859 views
The Laburnum and the Gulmohar Tree grew next to each other.One lucky day, they both dropped a seed each into the warm, moist soil below.A plant began to sprout.In a few years, it bore its first few flowers.One beaming yellow, one crimson orange.Soon, the bright... read more...
10-Mar-2019 • 1556 views
New Beginnings in Mid LifeWe all became friends by fluke.While I was doing my masters in the US, on my first trip back home, I had inadvertently picked up a Black and Tan Samsonite bag from the luggage belt at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport.I never bother checking... read more...
05-Mar-2019 • 951 views
Manju’s entry into the world was perniciously timed with her mothers exit. Post the tumultuous delivery of daughter number 3; Manju’s father and his family had stormed out of the village Mission hospital, leaving behind the few minutes old, scrawny Manju to be welcomed with nothing... read more...
01-Mar-2019 • 1096 views
After being neck deep in completing her presentation for 32hours without a wink, Riddhi decided to head straight to Nook; a nearby Restobar. She definitely needed a stiff one, before hitting the sack.Meandering through the packed restaurant to her usual bar stool, her eye caught a couple of familiar... read more...
22-Feb-2019 • 996 views
Divya was turning 17.This was her first year away from her family.Back home, birthdays meant a fragrant string of jasmine flowers, snugly perched over her tightly oiled bun of thick black hair.She would visit the local deity to seek blessings and her mother would prepare rice and... read more...
20-Feb-2019 • 997 views
Sara was a charming twenty-one years young lady who recently stepped into her newly wedded life. Couple of months into this wedlock, she was still trying to adjust to the new life. It was a novel experience for her, from changing homes to cities to friends and now families... read more...
11-Feb-2019 • 1036 views
She came to know about him through a common writer friend on FB. She checked his profile and started reading his blogs. He was doing very well in his field but his passion was writing and that reflected through his blogs. She got hooked to his easy to read, simple... read more...
09-Sep-2018 • 1080 views
3. MR.R- APE               At a certain evening, there is the City bank anniversary and Rihaan and Ujwal Naik are called as special guests.               Outside, a... read more...
31-Jul-2018 • 1005 views

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