

By Team Kalamwali in Stories » True Story
Updated 21:45 IST May 13, 2020

Views » 1283 | 3 min read


“Think of giving not only as a duty but as a privilege”.

-John Rockefeller

While most of us conveniently think that this lockdown has tied our hands and we can’t do anything to help anyone, there individuals and organizations who are out on the streets, finding places where the problems are, and solving them, one person at a time. Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana under the guidance of Shri Shantilal Mutha is one such group who is out and about helping people who are affected by COVID-19.

Established in the year 1985, Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) has been in the forefront of addressing national concerns in the areas of Disaster Response, Social Development and Educational Initiatives. Having its head office in Pune, BJS is a non-political, non-profit, professionally managed Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with a nationwide footprint working towards the benefit of all.

Due to COVID-19 lockdown, people have been confined to their homes, and doctors are unable to open their clinics or dispensaries. Therefore, patients who need to be treated do not have access to doctors and clinics. BJS took this as an opportunity to step up. Almost instantly, BJS introduced “MOBILE VAN DISPENSARY SEVA”. Implementing the idea of “Doctor at your Doorstep”. Currently this program in running successfully in Pune city and it will soon be operational across Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. BJS alongwith jain organizations or any other non-jain organization of that particular city will be taken as local partner to initiate the project.

Through the lockdown, this mobile dispensary van has been available to patients with minor illnesses. These vans have the basic medicines and equipment to treat patients, accompanied by 1 doctor, 1 assistant, a driver and a volunteer. Strictly following all the government lockdown rules, social distancing and health and hygiene regulation, these vans have been running efficiently around town. Chairs are placed at a distance of 2 feet for the patients coming for check-up. The vans keep moving from area to area as per need. Alongwith the patient, only one person is allowed to enter the van for the check-up. The van is equipped for illnesses like stomach ache, throat infection, cough, cold and fever. After check-up, the patients are provided with 3 days of medicines and doses. Moreover, patients diagnosed with fever, cold, cough, sore throat, body ache and nose bleeds are given free medicines. Patients are alerted with the help of loudspeakers and announcements.

These vans are circulated with the help of the city's Municipal Corporation in the densely populated areas. If doctors detect a patient with serious COVID-19 symptoms, the patients are isolated.

This commendable initiative by the Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is an inspiration for all. Team Kalamwali salutes each and every member, doctor and volunteer of this organization who has contributed towards helping the society during this pandemic.

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