I stood all alone in the midst of nothing around , I heard a voice of silence that was yelling to slow down. Silence that yelled but still is so silent. Silence, Something that's been Forgotten,which is a need of my mind that has to be taken care of... read more...
23-Sep-2020 • 799 views
Dark drifting clouds hide the moon but it upholds its illuminance. Awaits firmly,behind the murkiness of clouds to drift away,Emerging brighter than ever before. However, it's not the moon that has gleamed brighter, but awakening of hopethat once had lost its brightness. read more...
18-Sep-2020 • 831 views
Are we meant to be together..!! Or it's just the roles that we play... Every thought of you I oversee the future... And the tricks that time play Puts me in the box of hopes... And the each broken hope  flourish my vulnerablity  But for sure... I... read more...
17-Sep-2020 • 714 views
What if I ask you... Is it a Denial or a Compromise Oh! My heart why you Always put in the dilemma  Thinking about those lost relationships Dwelling about those virtual memories Wondering about first meetings Dreaming about future possibilities But alas! all in vain Sometimes walking away is... read more...
31-Aug-2020 • 711 views
Listening with eyes closed  Listening with open heart  Listening with a flawless ego Listening with  empathy  Listening is empowerment  Listening is connection  Listening is magical  Listen to yourself and those who mean to you . Listen to those who doesn't matter to you... read more...
15-Jul-2020 • 983 views
Smoking a cigar she stood by the street swaying her hips , a tune on her lips  Swirling her heels in graceful abandon  She scanned the crowd for a hopeful acquaintance The red lips she flaunted was too much a cliche The make up had caked and the frowns... read more...
11-Jul-2020 • 1037 views
The driest Sahara that the rain can't quench , let her thirst pour like the rapids and the floods.  The dilapidated dreams that saw no dawn , let her dream till her soul finds rest.  Are you the bird who left the nest to find the rest..   ... read more...
09-Jul-2020 • 1094 views
" A woman you are When will you learn? To speak softly, laugh only little, Sit neatly, walk garcefully, every breath governed!   You have to be calm and demure  Your words and thoughts and your body impure,  You bleed every month, woman, its a disgrace Ensure you hide... read more...
30-Jun-2020 • 976 views
Alag ho kar bhi tum mujhse,  Kushi se reh nahi paaye.  Judaa toh ho gaye lekin,  Judaai seh nahi paaye.  Dukhi meh bhi is liye nahi,  Ki tumne mujhe nakaar diyaa,  Rota toh me iss liye hu,  Ki tumne kabhi mauka hi mujhe... read more...
13-Jun-2020 • 752 views
अंधेरा भी मे, उजाला भी मे, मे हु तो सब है, मे नहीं तो कुछ भी नहींI   देखो तो नज़रियाँ हु, दिखाओ तो नज़ाकत हु, ख़ामोशी की ज़ुबान हु, झुक गयी तो अपमान हुI   ख़ुशी भ... read more...
26-May-2020 • 2126 views
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Let the hardships attack, together we will get through!   After countless sleepless nights & resilient feud,It was her time to shine and make her parents proud,But for so called society she was now a ready commodity,Marrying & raising kids must be her sole responsibility! But she... read more...
17-May-2020 • 1021 views
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Life is not a seashore, it’s a roller coaster ride! With hopes in her heart & dreams in her eyes,Dodging the society’s unasked advice,She stepped in Mumbai – not a city but an emotion,As hectic as local trains, as deep as an ocean... read more...
15-May-2020 • 961 views
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‘Struggles become her path-finders.’   As she opened her eyes, the first thing she did was crySince her parents desired a successor, a wish, she had failed to satisfy… In the pursuit of a son, they were blessed by fate,With two more daughters, Luck and... read more...
14-May-2020 • 1025 views
मी आहे डोळ्यात साठून पडलेले अश्रू,जे बाहेर निघण्याची वाट शोधू पाहत आहे,पण मी रडणार तरी कुणासाठी,आरश्या समोरच्या अनोळख्या व्यक्ती साठी?कि नात्यांच्या नावावर होत असलेल्या भावन... read more...
20-Apr-2020 • 2001 views
Food for Thought..When my Man cooks, He does it with his heart...Theres passion and love, In every bit and part!..Food is not what you eat, It's what you feel deep...An energy sublime, it makes your soul leap!..The kitchen is his playground, Hes scoring all... read more...
16-Apr-2020 • 923 views
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        My world never felt empty It had thousand reasons for me to go on I was living it in peace and sanity But never found one like you to count upon   Just when I thought I was sure That I had these feelings buried down... read more...
18-Feb-2020 • 966 views

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