

By Kiran Sharda in Poems » Long
Updated 09:52 IST Dec 25, 2016

Views » 754 | 4 min read

How beautiful it is when we are together,
No matter how ugly is the weather,
I still remember that one morning,
You woke me up, kissed me while I was yawning,
Kissed my forehead and held my hand,
Promised me to be forever my best friend.
Suddenly, your phone rang and eyes turned brave,
I knew, That's another war And it's time to wave!

As I promised, I left you with smile and cheers,
But, here is the untold story of my tears..

It has been an hour you shut your phone,
And I am trying to keep myself in happier zone,
Yes, you'll surely be back in some time,
But, without you there's not any chime,
I am still brave, It's just the woo,
Or may be it's about the days without you!

And the first day began it's journey,
It's not me who is so yearny,
It's my cellphone waiting for the replies,
It's my stomach wanting some butterflies,
It's my brain needing something more interesting
Than you, which can be distracting,
Well, It's the begining and they can't forget the coo,
Or It's all about the days without you.

And it was second day today,
No signs you sent in my way,
Each single call gave me the hope,
After every straight thought i felt a slope,
I kept waiting with your photographs and calender,
Your promises didn't allow me to surrender.
It's little difficult to live this view,
May be it's about the days without you.

Here came the third day with a new start,
As usual, i began my morning with your thought,
Felt each drop of tasteless tea,
And waited very moment I get to see,
Anything regarding you and your existence,
What I consider my happiness,
My face no longer has that shiny hue,
May be it's about the days without you.

I sat on the floor near the door,
Waiting for you , it's the day four,
With No signs, none of your chapter,
I kept wondering..
Who will help me beat this hurdle,
Who will keep his hand on my left shoulder,
Who will move finger over my lips,
Whom i will beg for one more kiss,
Who will play with my hair,
Who will be my arm chair,
Who will touch my belly,
Whose fingers will fit my fingerspaces perfectly,
Who will call without any reason,
Who will talk dirty without any season,
Your answers to many questions are due,
Come back and cease these days without you.

And the fifth day came over,
That's my favourite number,
I know today you will show up
For i have not given up,
Hey, there's a call,
"Hello! Yes , his wife speaking,
Yes? No! It cant be true...."
And the ring shuts down,
The silence spread out around,
The heart was shaken , the tears dropped out,
Throat wanted to shout,
but mind had no doubt,
In a second,
The promises were dead,
There was no hold on my hand,
But, the country was celebrating the victory,
Saying you created history,
I was numb, But;
There was still imprinted forehead kiss,
His pride, his martyrd body, memory of his,
I was awaken again, and felt bold,
Promised my shining star to continue his hold,
Which I was having in my womb,
Yes, Mr. Officer; you are going to be the daddy,
Whose son will feel proud to be the child of this soldier's lady!

I know i will never be done with these days without you,
But i will still be there to observe your every new!






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sanchita 16-Dec-2016 13:25


Kalamwali 17-Dec-2016 14:30

Absolutely Heart wrenching! Keep writing @Kiran.. Arguably one of the most touching pieces!

Kiran Sharda 17-Dec-2016 20:14

Thank u so much ! @sanchita

Harshit maheshwari 20-Oct-2019 12:27

Great filling in these lines

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