
Indian Constitution, A New Beginning

By Vageesha in Poems » Long
Updated 22:54 IST Nov 26, 2019

Views » 803 | 1 min read

Striving we were everyday 

Fought with hardships to not let them stay 

Erratically defeat came in sight 

Still the knot of resolution remained tight 

The stumbling block was a bit huge 

But we knew we'll find a refuge 

Thus, like every winter turns to spring 

Came a gift which brought a string 

A string of hope and advancement 

Yearning to bring enchantment 

Something that imbibe liberty, fraternity and equality into the nation 

Comprising federal, secular and democratic principles at one station 

Accustomed was the sun that rose everyday 

But the sun of 26 November rose to show a new way 

A day the constitution was adopted 

Hence, a new beginning was prompted 

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