
How a woman is...in love?

By Kapil Muzumdar in Stories
Updated 16:59 IST Jun 07, 2017

Views » 720 | 1 min read

For her...true love in a relationship is...

when her man trespasses her email account...she gets a notification...reads...and...suspects it is him...

yet doesn't change her password...


To her man, it strikes much later that he indeed misstepped...

she never utters a word about this...and he never makes the guts to admit ever...

but he learns his lesson...and falls in love with her yet again...this time for real!


He keeps the guilt. She keeps the relation. 

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Team Kalamwali 08-Jun-2017 12:38

A very realistic side of true love!

Kapil Muzumdar 13-Jun-2017 10:54


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