
Kapil Muzumdar

“Keep the heart in the right place. Everything else follows”  Good initiation makes you do good work. Good work brings good people. Good people together do good jobs. Several good jobs bring good productivity. Good productivity makes a good profit. Good profits make a good company... read more...
02-Jun-2017 • 955 views
Life is truly a wonderful blessing. And perhaps the larger blessing comes in a cast of being imperfect. I agree nobody is perfect on this earth. But the imperfections that I am talking about are different. Flaws or imperfections that do not bulge out in the open but are constantly... read more...
05-Jun-2017 • 828 views
For her...true love in a relationship is... when her man trespasses her email account...she gets a notification...reads...and...suspects it is him... yet doesn't change her password...   To her man, it strikes much later that he indeed misstepped... she never utters a word about... read more...
07-Jun-2017 • 818 views
We are concerned that computers are being made to perform like humans..taking away our tasks..rendering us jobless. Chayla, we must be more concerned that human beings are performing like computers. Artificial, plastic, mechanical, boringly rational and so predictably logical. 😉😄🤓 read more...
11-Jun-2017 • 836 views
A relationship takes an unpleasant turn when one can't remember and the other can't forget! read more...
13-Jun-2017 • 803 views
How we view Struggle... When we aim for something, we generally achieve it after some struggle. In the case of a luckier few, the struggle is lesser or close to none and in the case of the luckiest others, it is a hard and strenuous. The ones who live through... read more...
13-Jun-2017 • 746 views
"Remind yourself that your life stands on the labor of others. You might be thinking you alone made it but the fact is you didn't. And you simply cannot. For whatever you do, you need the help of others to make good of what you've set out to... read more...
20-Jun-2017 • 982 views
They say opposites attract, so can (how) two diametrically opposite natured individuals come (live) together (happily)? I am talking about people with elaborative polar differences. The fascination towards something different than who you are sounds utterly exciting and the two get drawn to each other easily to help foster a... read more...
28-Jun-2017 • 834 views
So don't be restless and impatient to run simply because others are ready and running. You take your time to build your own charm. Your charm shall always be unique because it is your own. And when you begin running, they'll falter, not because there's anything wrong... read more...
14-Sep-2017 • 831 views
There is the clutter gathering in the deep drawers of your mind. Some of it makes sense, some other utter nonsense. You put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. And words begin to spew themselves out. You let the mind wander and in an utter ramble. As the roam... read more...
28-Sep-2017 • 829 views
We all have memories of our childhood, largely vivid, but I’ll tell you one memory, which will directly, sort of, work on not your brain but your heart. When our teachers taught us, let’s say a poem, they would say, “by heart this and come... read more...
01-Aug-2019 • 801 views

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