We Are Stuck At Home
We are stuck at home and the play grounds are empty,
The classes are on the computer and our mood is grumpy.
We want to meet our friends and hug each other, We want to roll on the grass and travel far and further.
We want to see the world and meet our teachers, We want to meet each other and be little explorers.
Covid and virus that’s all we hear in the news, Our hearts are sad and minds confused.
But it’s not always sad don't worry for us, Our parents and teachers are there for us.
Spending time with family brothers and sisters, Learning new things and becoming victors.
Little bit of cooking and baking a cake, Tossing salads and making milkshakes.
This too shall pass we all know that, Next year we will be in the school with a smile and that's a fact.
Don't miss us teachers we'll soon meet, And this time we'll be in the classrooms before you to greet.
Only for a few days we must stay apart, But very soon we'll be back to win your hearts.
-Shibani in solidarity with my sons Aahan & Kabir