

कसला भारी आहे हा !! (Just look at him!!) I overheard 2 fellow trekkers look at Kabir and exclaim. I looked at my little man proudly and gave myself a pat on my back. Only I knew the innumerable times I got Kabir on the hill to get him to... read more...
23-Mar-2021 • 1138 views
When did we become adults? When did we loose our innocence? When did we stop enjoying the regular things and stopped getting amused of the small things in life? What if we never stopped looking at that little ant carrying a grain of sugar, laughed when our shoes made different... read more...
29-May-2021 • 895 views
» Long
We Are Stuck At Home We are stuck at home and the play grounds are empty,                    The classes are on the computer and our mood is grumpy. We want to meet our friends and hug each other,     ... read more...
31-May-2021 • 951 views
Shibani is not following any kalamkars

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