
We are RED inside.

By taabiirdaan in Daily Musings
Updated 17:02 IST May 11, 2017

Views » 879 | 2 min read

Either its black or its white...

We all are same inside..


Where does these noble thoughts vanish away..

Whenever its come to being with someone...


Either its marriage or a relationship..


Why a fair boy always seem to be with a fair girl..

Or a girl .. who always want her husband to be as fair as herself..


Why a 2 month old baby got names like "kaalu"...

Is it sounds cute to you...

No its not.... Its just the start of the treatment that baby gonna have in this so called fair world...

A recism that Start from home itself..


Why a fair girl get all the attention at work... 

Does she doing a special contribution...

Yeah may be cause her babies would be as fair as her...

And that will help making world a fair world.


Either its a girl or a boy...

The day from their birth they get used to words like , kaalu, kaali, unfair, ugly, kaluta... Amd much more...

This is nothing but the bullying...

And how it effects child mind ...

You can't imagine if you are fair...


How a child jusy at the age of 5 start feeling inferior.. just because of the tone of skin...


And the irony is... No one is thinking about all this..

A racism, that adversely effects child mind and make him/her feel inferior. 

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