

By Aarya Bamb in Poems » Short
Updated 20:06 IST Nov 25, 2021

Views » 739 | 2 min read

It gives some grace , 

It gives some happiness ,

It gives some love ,

It gives some freedom .


It came in my life like a boon ,

with my calmness in it . 

It came in my life like a harmful one ,

with UV rays in it . 


It comes in the day ,

and vanishes at night ,

leaving behind the amazing sunset🌄 and moon and stars,🌛⭐

that look like moving cars. 


It brings a new nature in itself ,

It makes a new joy of writing , 

It comes new everyday ,

and gives an opportunity to shine.


It plays Hide and Seek every day , 

and hides behinds the beautiful clouds⛅ , 

sometimes it vanishes while playing , 

and sets in the horizon🌄 at  night . 


It is so talented,

It is so innocent ,

that it gives light , 

but in return takes water . 


This nature of the sun  ,

Is very talented ,

and helps me and you , 

also to get more talented.


Aarya Pritam Bamb  

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