I Love thee, I Love thee.
As a Human, I Love thee.
To Love, is my Life and Religion.
To Love, is my Desire and Passion.
Let the poachers do their un-duty.
Love doesn't know fear and pity.
I Love thee, I Love thee.
As a Human, I Love thee.
My Love, have NO demarcation.
My Love, have NO state-nation.
My Love, Knows Kind and Compassion.
My Love, Loves foe and companion.
O! Jigar, I Love thee, I Love thee.
As a Human, I Love thee.
Love is Compression, NOT rarefaction.
Love is Moonlight, NOT gloomy-night.
Love is Force, a Gravitational force.
So, Love is Cohesive, Strong-adhesive.
I Love thee, My Jigar, I LOve thee.
As a Human, I LOVE THEE.