
Be exclusive... Be YOU

By Tanaya in Beauty, Fashion & Trends » Fashion
Updated 20:29 IST Oct 26, 2019

Views » 901 | 3 min read

                           “Fashion” is not merely a word, but more of an emotion for the apparent “digital youth” of our generation, or as we rightly call them, millennials! And why restrict this emotion to the younger crowd only? Recall those moments when middle-aged socialites discuss or more precisely roast others for their hideous choices in this stream itself, or when people are busy talking about each other’s outfits more in a wedding rather than blessing the couple! It is quite clear that no matter how hard you try to take it casually, fashion has become an inevitable part of our lives in the 21st century.

                             Right from carrying a casual yet unique style in college days, to the uptight formals for working hours, a sense of style has been developed by the individuals over the years and everyone is still waiting to get validations for their choices from their respective Anna Wintours, well in this case, I mean our role models. If not a “straight from the runway look” channelling our inner Gigi Hadid, most of us at least try to reach up to some level to make an impact on the society and get noticed thereby using few tactics, hacks that are available in infinite numbers on Instagram, YouTube, and the list continues…

                             Drowning in the pool of fashion tips from these so called influencers, people generally tend to forget their own style, likings and thereby losing creativity and start following what others have to say because duh, they have 10000 followers on Instagram, 22000 YouTube subscribers which obviously means that they know better as compared to you. *sarcastic smirk*.

                            But let us remind ourselves that no matter how hard the social media influencers are succeeding or portraying their happening and enriching lifestyle, it is essential to be in your element always and not fall prey to these scams on a daily basis. Of course, taking a bit of inspiration (mind you, not copying) is always good to add up to your basket of styling ideas but what is not cool is to judge your own capabilities, or to have a lower self-esteem just because others are probably just pretending to have a better life.

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Saurabh Mokal 26-Oct-2019 21:58

Truly written......fashion is not just about showing others.... Its how comfortable you feel while you are carrying that particular outfit ❤

Dnyanesh 26-Oct-2019 23:33

Lovely the writeup !♥️ People should understand it and not just blindly follow the trends just because it is trending.

Jayesh Jain 27-Oct-2019 09:52

Real style is never right or wrong. It's matter of being yourself on purpose.. Just remember that dressing is always about attitude, Felling comfortable and Confidence...So ultimately it's all about You ...only You...✌️

Priyanka 27-Oct-2019 11:15

Absolutely right one❤️......Whatever u wear should reflect The real u.

Shreya Bude 27-Oct-2019 14:46

Appreciate it🙌 .. Supb and truly written ❤

CrzywoLf 27-Oct-2019 17:04

Well said by expert after all #STYLE_IS_STYLE 😉🤙🏽

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