An Ode to My Father.
It was bright sunny morning. I was on my usual morning jog to fill my lungs with the fresh morning air. I could hear the soft chirping of the birds and could feel the bright sun. What a lovely morning to start the day with.While I was feeling the nature’s beauty I came across a six or seven year old boy being taught to ride a bicycle. He had blue coloured bicycle and the boy was with silky brown hair and red shorts and white t shirt.His father was middle aged man,neatly shaved in grey tracksuit. The memories of my childhood came gushing by when I was of around same age my father taught me to ride a bicycle. Like any other kid I too suffered many failed attempts. But my father taught me never to give up. He was a picture of patience. He was always besides me with his hand at the back of the bicycle seat again and again, as many times as I needed him to. I clearly remember the day I took off by myself I could feel the wind blowing on my face. So what, if I could not stop properly and eventually fell over. Over the years, I came across this saying Perseverance brings good fortune. Back then I never took it seriously though. But the words remained in my mind. When I saw the world more I did experience and understood what my father said was true. Success comes to those who keep trying again and again Tring..tring!! rang the bicycle bell that brought me back to where I was standing. The boy had mastered the riding and I could see the utter joy and freedom on his face. I could see a satisfying smile on his father’s face while he watched his son with pride. Few years down the line my husband taught my son to ride a bicycle, running behind him giving him the confidence. I hope my son learned the art of perseverance. That’s what his grandfather would have taught him.
My father died 8 years ago, shortly after his death I saw a greeting card with a small girl swinging high up in the air.A man standing behind was pushing the swing. Inside the message said, Thank you dad for everything. My father always remembered the birthdays and use to give greeting card with his message or poem on it. Back then it felt more special to have the card with message and beautiful words written just for me but today when I look back and see the cards they are not just cards but memories of that time. They bring me back to the same place and time. Tears swelled up in my eyes in that store. I had to leave from that shop.
My father had been all over me as a kid. Advice, criticism and scolding. The entire father thing. But he was more than that…a friend, guide and philosopher. We used to talk a lot and discuss many things.I have a high influence of my father ever since I remember. In my youth my father was part of everything, be it choosing the right career or place to visit with friends, or even the right dress for the appropriate occasion. We have together conquered many dreams. He was a role model for me. He had many times tried to made me understand the real world outside the threshold of the house. He had pampered me to the core. Yes love never spoils the kids…it makes them love you more. Now, as a parent I do many things that my father did for me as a child. He was not a world leader or a famous doctor. Nor was a sports figure or business tycoon. But he was the greatest man for me.
The important people in our lives leave the imprints .They may stay or go in the physical realm, but they are always in your heart, because they helped you form your heart.
-Sanchita Satalkar