
A Transcendental Bond

By Manasi in Poems » Long
Updated 11:28 IST Nov 11, 2021

Views » 1286 | 3 min read


I remember our first time

I couldn’t even get up

I opened my breast to you

and you just started suckling

like it was the most natural thing to do

I was so proud of my little hatchling


It hurt so bad

My whole body convulsed

Everyone said it’s a blessing

But it felt like a curse

of bloody wounds, and dressings

But, it got better, after it got worse


You would feed long

You would feed hard

And yet, you would cry

All you wanted was Mumma’s touch, voice

But they said, my breasts could be dry

I listened to my instinct, it was my choice


You would suddenly unlatch

to look at me, smile and gush

You would sleep at the breast

My heart beating in your ears

Bedimming all the rest

It was an instant antidote to your tears


And there would be times

when I would be too overwhelmed

You would keep latching for hours

And you would not sleep

I would cry and scream, feeling sour

And then guilty, long after you were asleep


And as you grew into a toddler

It definitely got easier

During the day you were your own person

You would run and jump and dance and swing

And at night had Mumma’s magic potion

Then we would hear stories, count sheep and sing


And then one day

It was the last time

You didn’t know it then, neither did I

The next night you cried, and I cried too

But, I softly said, looking you in the eye

This doesn’t change how much Mumma loves you


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