
My baby - My world

By archnehas in Experiences
Updated 01:30 IST Jun 16, 2016

Views » 860 | 4 min read

I am living in a fairy land with you my baby, where all i can experience is joy and love my honey. You have brought me out of the "stressed" world, Every moment with you is a celebration of life. You teach me new ways to rejoice, Even a small walk or a cooing from you deserves "oh ! nice". The day starts with big smiles, Admiring the beautiful sun and waving to bright skies. Having my morning tea with delight, I see you enjoy every small tiny sip and bite . Throughout the day a small shadow keeps following me, Its my little boy who is constantly on move to be by my side. Never before i felt so responsible and loved for, And you opened the doors to a whole new positive world for me ajar. Bathing is a ritual for you, celebrating with the bubbles, The tub is the place for more laughter and giggles, While Getting dressed we play peek-a-boo, Once ready the mirror must say "How cute you look today too", Time to say our prayers and bow to god, Dedicatedly folding hands you bow to the almightly, Giving a cheerful smile, you make me very happy . Lunch time is lot more rigorous, Moving around the house with equal vigor is slightly tedious, Nonetheless the hugs and chirping of "ma ma " gives me the spirit, That we keep playing toys and humming songs every minute. Here comes noon and its time to rest by, Oh my! suddenly the house seems so quiet and the world so shy. Energy is doubled and we dance by, Its time for garden and here we fly. Oh the beautiful garden! with so many trees and a open sky, Tap tap tap and here we are . The swings, ducks ,slides are all waiting, We jump, we hop and we dance , As our friends join us and we applause. Getting home as the sun sets, We await for pa pa as to when he enter the gates. Diner is again a time to treasure,as we eat along and sing in pleasure. Here comes papa the laughter gets aloud , Who will open the doors lets find out . Daddy gets a bear hug and a very warm welcome, let the clock say 8 or 9 pm. The house is full of runs and walks, All around him and here he talks,listening to the babble we are mesmerised . Oh how much I wish ,this time just freezes here. When my baby grows , will this all disappear? Not a moment to loose, Every minute is so precious . Oh its bedtime and the joy ride just began, The bed is a desert and we are tumbling in the sand. The big laughs and light cease out,its time for dreams to come; ma & pa fade out.. I again go over the day with the glimpses of my angel spread all across , Indeed it is a fantasy land with so much of innocence and a lovely heart . Life keeps changing every now and then, This is the time where i forget the future and past, and concentrate on today. What a unmatched happiness this is , let me gather all these special highs, Where it is just me, my baby and "super happy times" . Emotions are only soaring to culminate into the blue sky, I have not witnessed a relationship so pure and transparent , where all my child wants me and i want his accompaniment . Love, laughter , patience , innocence talk louder than our cries, So valuable is this new world and its beautiful high skies. I cant thank enough for my angel to you oh god! Just bless him enough that he keeps growing a lot. I wish he make many a more smile, He keeps walking long and reach many a miles. In the corner of his heart I stay always, My heart is no more with me , its his anyways.....
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