
Healthy Eating Versus "Dieting"

By ravina21 in Health & Wellness
Updated 01:30 IST Jun 16, 2016

Views » 794 | 2 min read

Of late most conversations either begin or end in "weighty" issues! Everyone eager to share their own take on healthy eating or the newest celeb diet plans. My advice to all would be; eat healthy, eat in the right quantities and at the right time but most importantly EAT. The most important thing that people seem to have forgotten over the years is that the food we eat is our fuel for the day. It's the carbohydrates such as roti, rice, bread or biscuits we eat that give us about 70% of the energy we need everyday. Eating a balanced meal with the right amount of carbs, protein, vitamins, minerals and fat. Over time people have cut down their carbohydrate intake drastically and often you hear people talk about "NO CARBS" diet. This approach would lead to muscle loss and unhealthy weight loss that will surely not be sustainable.
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Jaya Sathaye 18-Jan-2017 13:32

I have also noticed that people seem to be addicted to this whole business of restrictive diets. While asking you about your weight loss journey, they are more interested in what you gave up or stopped eating completely to get there! The only idea that seems to sell the most is what to 'give up' to loose weight, which is both sad and misleading!

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