
worth the wait

By sony in Experiences
Updated 01:30 IST Jun 16, 2016

Views » 636 | 3 min read

Never thought waiting on the bus stop would be so interesting....... .......3 people waiting behind me, as if in a queue......only realising after 7-8 minutes, that I was in their way to the ATM. As I realise and step aside, I get to hear a few annoyed, familiar words of praise......to which I just flash a smile. ......then overheard this conversation between two young friends meeting after.... like an hour or so......which looked like it's been ages.......and their conversation...... mind blogging.....hilarious.loud talks, laughs, hi-fi, soft gossips, giggle, the awe emotion as they discussed the couples of their college.......OMG , reminded me of my college times or probably can relate to my teen daughters talk with her friends .......and now the funny part, what they were talking of ----- he asked her out and she was like.......now in flash back in my days there was a typical word used to express love.....the guys asks a girl......for a " RESPONSE". I have always wondered where this word came from. And if the girl says yes......the guy used to follow her..... vroom.... vroom.... vroom..... everywhere......which was called...." SHINING" . Remembering this....... I had a big shy smile on my face..... It takes only a few seconds for that smile to vanish......was disturbed by a shabbly dressed lady.......begging.......starts by blessing me.......interestingly says....you'll get a good husband, you 'll be blessed by children.....if I gave her some money......less impressed by her blessings...... I choose to ignore her......just because she was precisely 18 years late......I already have a loving husband and two lovely kids. .......the bus stop is now full of impatient passengers, who had enough of the waiting as the bus was getting late......and the bus arrives.......when all the literates show how educated they are and rush, stamping, pushing as if they were missing a life bus.......just to their disappointment ......it's not the right bus........phew.......all back on the stop...... impatient and ready to pounce on the ticket booker. . .......in the mean time my attention goes to a young kid who is excersising his lungs.......the voice rises......and the mom too naive to sooth the kid......struggling to keep him calm. Until then I hear sounds from a group of people. A man is shouting on top of his voice......he thinks he has been robbed.......Jesus Christ.......now what more. I couldnt believe.......the impatient crowd had now focused on how, where, when, how, who.......the crowd gives their perspectives......total chaos......1,2,3..... I lose count on how many were talking and consoling the man......at the same time......and suddenly happy realisation......he remembers that he left his bag in the wrong bus he had boarded......the panicked man settles till the authorities tell him not to worry, he will get his robbed bag.......... no..... misplaced bag. ..........finally....... no it's not the bus.......But my snack came to an end and so did the entertainment at the stop.......I see the bus arrive and cant believe my eyes......to see what was written on it........"INCREDIBLE INDIA" .........I smile as I think.....absolutely. I board it.....hit NH4 and head towards kolhapur just remembering the last 30-35 minutes and happily smiling.
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