
That thing

By Ankit Abhishek in Daily Musings
Updated 00:13 IST Dec 02, 2016

Views » 744 | 2 min read


That thing, which we are never going to achieve, is what makes us live. That thing which one day we will get we dream, but fear what will happen when the wait ends. We wake up do our work and go to sleep. That thing is what fills the time unutilized. What helps us go past the day-to-day life is both a curse and a boon disguised. When, late at night, tired and beaten, we think about it laying on our sides, amidst all our pains and sorrows, the soul smiles, and we close our eyes to, again, with the rising sun, arise. But do we live or just dream?

Why are we so afraid? Life is not a somnambulic state. Is it so shallow – the meaning of life – that we have more to lose than to gain? Should we just take pleasure in our yearning or shall we strive hard for it to thrive? I reckon we should go for it. No matter what we will achieve, it won’t be enough. Don’t be scared, that’s us. How will the stars ever settle for anything made of dust? But first, we should realise that it is not our yearning that drives but love.


“I can't go on, I'll go on.”                                           -Samuel Beckett




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