

By Rutwik Nalawade in Stories » Short
Updated 22:39 IST Apr 27, 2017

Views » 864 | 9 min read



              Last time, Swami saved Rihaan from Diablo Group and later, thinking Swami was dead, Rihaan returned home.

              Rihaan is at the hospital sleeping and he just remembers all the things happened from when he was kidnapped, video being shot, Diablo group, Nagar, his men, Swami, his friendship and teachings on saving the city or own home.

              He then just gets up and looks around and there are many bouquets and notes on get well soon and nice health.

              Just then, Grandpa (Arjun) comes inside and looks at Rihaan and says, “Kid, welcome back!!!!”

              Rihaan smiles back and says, “It is good to be back…”

              Grandpa looks at him and says, “Looks like you left something back there, huh!!!”

              Rihaan says, “Nothing….”

              Grandpa says, “Don’t lie to me, I can see in your eyes, just like I saw many times in your father’s eyes….”

              Rihaan says, “You are right, I lost a friend out there….”

              Grandpa says, “Friend?”

              Rihaan says that he will tell him later….

              Jeet then comes in and hugs Rihaan and tells that he has organized a small party for him and Rihaan first disagrees and later agrees.

              At the party,

He meets all the guests and talks to them and gives small but effective interviews to the media and news channels. He then meets the CEO, Jadhav and says, “You took some awful lot of time to find me, regardless, thank you for the time….”

              Jadhav confused doesn’t say anything and Rihaan moves ahead.

              The Commisioner then meets Rihaan and introduces him to Inspector Ujwal Naik and says that he was one planned the search and sent army units in many places which were weren’t seen and checked and due to his intelligence and efforts, Rihaan could find the army base and was rescued.

              Rihaan shakes hands with him.

              Rihaan then his holding a drink and, Jeet comes and says, “I guess, you are finding a beautiful face here and I see, you seek that!!!”

              Rihaan looks at the balcony and sees Tanya and he goes at her to meet her.

              Tanya looks at him and says, “You are back, we were going to meet me some days ago if you remember!!!”

              Rihaan just smiles and says, “I had reasons. Don’t you get what the party is for!!!”

              Tanya gets emotional and she just hugs Rihaan tightly and says, “You know, I was so scared when you were disappeared, I was kind of broken, (cries), I love you a lot…”

              Rihaan says, “I know, it was just I should the one who be saying the three magical words….”

              Tanya smiles again and Jeet says, “C’mon, Rihaan, you can say it now….”

              Rihaan says, “I love you, Tanya…..”

              Jeet sees this and takes a photo from his mobile phone and says, “My man is in love….”

              Rihaan hugs Tanya and remembers about Swami and Rihaan kind of thinks of a future plan…

              Next day, he gets early in the morning and goes at a mountain place and sits there the whole day and then walks through streets and sees that law doesn’t help all, either they get money to rid off the situation or some violence comes at them to stay away and the criminal activity takes place.

              Rihaan comes back home and Grandpa comes there and they have dinner and watch TV and there are news on rapes, robberies, murders, etc.

              Rihaan leaves the food and walks off.

              Grandpa says, “From the day you have come back, you have changed in some sort. What is it?”

              Rihaan says, “What is it? When I see people around, I see good and innocent people, I see people who just cannot protect themselves. They have learned to defend but due to the utmost power and strength, they are just unable to beat them and they fail and they get die, raped and tortured….”

              Grandpa says, “The law helps them…”

              Rihaan says, “It does, yes…. But, it is not effective, something more is needed, if law is like a sharpen axe to cut the tree of crime, it has to be more sharpened….”

              Grandpa says, “They need a….”

              Rihaan remembers something and says, “An invisible hand to help them….”

              Grandpa says, “Right….”

              Rihaan says, “Be the change person, what someone can be!!”

              Grandpa says, “Be the change, why not you?”

              Rihaan says, “I can be the change, but not as Rihaan Kumar, I have to much of a symbol, a threat, a person of no fear and dilemma….”

              Grandpa says, “A symbol???”              

              Rihaan says, “I haven’t thought of it…”

              Grandpa says, “We can get help, some drama….”

              Rihaan says, “Drama is damn necessary, It is the main ingredient, it’s India, it is where Drama is born….”

              He continues, “People need drama and something they can remember, they can hope for….”

              Grandpa says, “Did the ‘friend’ teach you this?”

              Rihaan says, “He taught me a lot and now I am going to use it for the benefit of the people here….”

              Grandpa says, “I am with you, let us do it…”

              Rihaan says, “Game on…..”

              They walk off and Rihaan says, “Swami, thanks, I know you are somewhere…..”

       On the other side,

Nagar and his men are searching places and see a body near a lake and one of them says, “Hey, boss! Look what we found…..”

              Nagar takes a look and says, “Interesting!!!!”

              Rihaan on the other side looks outside his room and says, “People sometimes find things in their own vicinity and make a radius for themselves, this City is my radius and anyone who dares to anything, I will punish them….. Here I come, give me some days…..”





              Rihaan gets ready to be the symbol and starts the research and lists down all the police station officers and constables.

              He then creates a program where he hires some programmers and creates a system.

              He sees a lot of mess around and Grandpa says, “I should say, the cleaning lady will take a lot of salary for this….”

              Rihaan says, “We need a place to keep all this, the computers, laptops, lists, equipment, etc….”

              Jeet comes and says, “Can I help here?”

              Rihaan is shocked to see him.

              Jeet starts scolding Rihaan and says, “How could you not involve me in all this, we are friends since childhood and you don’t tell me, and you Grandpa, I am also a son to you, you couldn’t tell me….”

              Grandpa says, “Hey, we were worried about you, so we didn’t involve you…. And it is dangerous too….”

              Jeet looks at Rihaan and says, “Listen, I also believe in your humanity phase and you want to help people here against crimes, corruption and injustice….”

              Rihaan says, “I knew you would overreact first, but manage to join us….”

              Jeet says, “And Tanya?”

              Rihaan says, “The less she knows the better…. You didn’t tell her, right?”

              Jeet says, “Of course not, what I am going tell her, that her boyfriend will be fighting crimes and injustice…. No!!!!”

              Jeet then starts showing some abandoned warehouses outside the City and inside the City but none were acceptable and he shows one and tells that this one was closed for many years….

              Grandpa sees the warehouse neatly and starts laughing and Rihaan says, “He is gone mad or there is something!!!”

              Grandpa says, “I am not getting mad, son… I know this warehouse very well….”

              Jeet says, “How?”

              Grandpa says, “This is where the Kumar Empire started, kids…. This closed down when I left this and shifted and never came here….”

              Rihaan says, “Alright, this will be our base, I can say….”

              They bring all the equipments at the warehouse and on the other side, Rihaan starts training and also starts working on his suit and things he will need.

              Rihaan then starts jumping on buildings and he does get some success but as the buildings gets taller, he faces some difficulty and asks Grandpa for a solution and Grandpa says, “I may have a solution…”

              Grandpa gives him a grappler and Rihaan takes it and hits a strike on the floor and swings it on buildings and jumps.

              When he does jump on one of the buildings and he slips and falls right in a garbage bin and says, “I didn’t expect that….”

              He comes at base and says, “Ok, I have a weapon with me (shows the grappler), I don’t have something to cover my face and more than that, I don’t have a Name….. Any ideas?”

              Jeet then goes shopping and comes back and shows him some weapons and says that he knows that Rihaan hates guns, but for some time they can be kept as back up and so he shows a set of knives and Rihaan says, “I can go with that…”

              He then starts to sew a jacket (long one) and a T-shirt and jeans, all of it black and starts searching on net and reads on Guy Fawkes and Jeet asks about him and he tells the entire story and comes to know about the mask, the Guy Fawkes mask


Jeet says, “Interesting….”`

He orders some and makes some changes and sees that they break easily and Grandpa says that they work fine and Rihaan brings up some things, if police see him they might shoot him right on the mask or someone can hit him on mask and break it easily.

Jeet says, “Then, we have built a mask by ourselves….”

Huge heat machines and steel powder and rods come inside the warehouse and Jeet and Rihaan start the work and they make the masks.

The next day, Grandpa comes with some breakfast at the warehouse and sees Rihaan and Jeet sleeping and says, “You take so many days to make one mask?”

Rihaan says, “Not one, 75 of them….”

Jeet says, “Everyone needs a hobby….”

Grandpa looks along and sees there are lots of huge and strong masks around the place.

They write ‘RIHAAN’ on a board and list down the things they did and used and weapons.

They then rebuilt the bike of Rihaan and make it useful and paint it black and red.

Rihaan says, “Ok, I have the weapons, a ride, clothes, only one thing is missing, the NAME!!!!”

Grandpa then makes a device that links all the cameras in the City to their warehouse and when it happens, they see each and every corner of the City….

Jeet says, “How does he do that, how does he know that? I thought of him as a manufacturer….”

Rihaan says, “Yes, he is…. He manufactured many defense systems for India and computer systems for China and Singapore which were sold for crores; he is one hell of a genius guy…..”

They look at the board and Grandpa goes at the board and smiles and calls Rihaan and Jeet and says, “I got the name….”

He then rubs all the things and leaves an “R”.


Rihaan says, “R?”              

Grandpa says, “Why not!!! It is simple, understanding and cool!!!”

Jeet says, “I like it, it gives a ring to it….”

Rihaan says, “I also like it….”

Rihaan says, “Grandpa, remember you gave the name Rihaan to me when the name giving ceremony took place and now years later, again….”

He hugs Grandpa.

Rihaan says, “R, no, MR.R!!!!!”

They all head back outside the warehouse and final light of the warehouse closes on ‘R’.




Mr. R

is born!!!!!




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