

By Jayasri in Poems
Updated 01:24 IST May 27, 2017

Views » 713 | 2 min read

The forgotten responsibilities put on me an unjust blame

While the words I kept to myself are thringing my soul into the burning flame.

At times the broken throbbing thing in my chest weighs heavy

But when it verges on to reconcile, the woes build around it a hard levee

And that's when the tea retaining cheeks appear out of nowhere 

While all I know is that you forgot your responsibilities somewhere.

Things are meant to be forgotten is what you say

But those are what I bother like a potter does for his clay

Ignoring my brain, the trust on you somehow survives

Maybe that's why it gets broken every time my sinful belief thrives.

Somewhere between him and her you forgot the biggest responsibility

The one which you had on me that I never thought was a possibility

And now I only have this pen and paper 

To console myself and turn my tears into vapor...

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