First day of school, big tears rolling down the cheeks
New bag, new uniform and the new experience for the very first time.
Soon they enter the class, the soft hands make their crying stop.
First few words they utter, god knows how you can understand them clear.
They scream, they throw, they push and they play.
Where do you get your energy from; when they are all running around?
You make their life colorful by teaching them red white n blue
A,B C they learn from you and soon they form words that are known only to you.
Scissors, painting and craft you make them do it all with love.
You bring joy and smiles on their face,
Sunshine is your pretty face they say.
Thank you for helping the children grow.
You can do it goes a long way to bring out the best in them.
Thank you for making them love to go to school
Thank you for teaching them to share, care and making their first school a happy place.