
Dear mother

By Bhavi Patel in Poems » Long
Updated 23:42 IST Nov 03, 2016

Views » 681 | 3 min read

Dear mother,

Whose dining room taught me more lessons than any classroom could.

Dear mother,

I have heard stories of how you camouflaged into different people,

And still you can precisely tell every colour from the other.

Dear mother,

I have seen you gasp all things you could've said and breathe out silence.

I have seen you make every nook and corner shine,

I have seen you own everything you touch.

Dear mother,

I have learned the series of sacrifices you made are parallel to love.

You taught me love is powerful. It can conquer anger.

It can outpower neglect.

I have seen you add a little less to flaws.
Flawless as you are.

Dear mother,

I have learned patience is sitting with your bad times in a balcony and having tea.

I have seen you around time and you are always ticking.

I have learned that bad times are a source of hope and good times are its transmissions.

I have learned how to practice grace everyday.

Dear mother,

I have learned to not malnourish any dream.

I have seen you fulfill all your dreams you saw at 15 at 35.

You did it anyway.

I have learned determination from you.

Dear mother,

I learned from you how to live at 19.

I have learned this is the time for sleepless nights and taking never ending steps.

I have learned that you should make mistakes and learn from them.

But, that doesn't mean you make all the mistakes yourself.
Learn from the mistakes of other people around too.
Keep learning.

I have seen you never give up on anything.

I have learned independence from your walk.

I have learned to find joy in whatever I do.

Dear mother,

I have seen you cook delicious food since I remember.

I have seen you make your way to the heart through raw elements and fire.

I have learned that you have to taste it all bittersweet memories, salty tears, spicy drama.

I have learned how you like your tea.

Dear mother,

I have learned you are symmetrical in your exsistance unlike me.

I have seen you arrange the flower on the top of the bedsheet at equal distances from all sides.

I have seen you as the glue of the family.

I have learned that listening is not listening if you listen to react.

I have seen you absorb your struggles and wear the scars beautiful.

Dear mother,

They say you speak the language your mother speaks in. "Mother tongue"

Now I know why my tongue always folds into kindness.

They say what you inherit is by chance.

I think it was by chance I got to be half you.

Dear mother,


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