
Brown Indian Girl

By Priyanka Menon in Poems » Short
Updated 11:14 IST Nov 10, 2016

Views » 908 | 2 min read

i’m a brown Indian girl
whose dreams are crushed
every day by a society
that only remembers me
when it’s in heat -
because i’m a girl.



i’m a brown Indian girl
terrified of the world
we are living in today
because misogyny
and misandry have
ousted humanity.



i’m a brown Indian girl
living in fear
of a tomorrow which promises
to be darker than today
because my courage
is now the wick that burns
on both ends.



i’m a brown Indian girl
who knows what it means
to be a survivor
because i do that every day -
i survive
on the hopes that someday
shards of the shattered glass ceiling
will lodge themselves
in the spines of all those
who broke mine and
that of others.



i’m a brown Indian girl
who loves
a little differently from others
i love with everything i have
and all that i am.



i’m a brown Indian girl
wishing for a different yesterday
i hate how today looks
and i don’t know if i’ll be around tomorrow.



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Kalamwali 15-Nov-2016 11:57

I am a Brown Indian Girl and I have experienced most of these emotions!

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