
The World

By Kalamwali in Poems » Short
Updated 10:58 IST Jun 21, 2016

Views » 1054 | 1 min read


There is a world out there
Which doesn't always function fair,

But it is up to you how much to care
and whether it's worth all the scare

Be firm and stand your ground
Let your courage know no bound

Don't just be there, go ahead, astound
It's easy to be in a herd, but be the hound

This world is for us to share
Whether it's a turtle or the hare

But create a world that belongs to you
Where you stand tall and it is your favorite view 

- Kalamwali 

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Gaurow gupta 14-Sep-2016 12:03

"create a world that belongs to you" <3 lovely

Kalamwali 14-Sep-2016 14:27

@gaurow gupta thank you :)

Jatin Umraliya 22-Oct-2016 13:52

Lovely piece of writing... Can I copy it to my wall?

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