
Exercising is like marriage, a commitment for life!

By priyanka.shah in Health & Wellness
Updated 01:30 IST Jun 16, 2016

Views » 718 | 1 min read

Hello Everyone.. I am making a sincere request to each one out there to make it a point to free yourselves from your busy schedule and make time to exercise for as little as at least 150 minutes a week! That's all it takes for you to wake up fresh with that glowing skin , feel better about yourself, get into your dream outfits which seem like a dream to you.. Now is the time to make this commitment and rediscover the new You!
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Nitin Rajaram Joshi 09-Jan-2017 13:57

Yes that's true Its the same concept, if you want your car to function properly you should drive it regularly providing with fuel and engin oil for smooth working .
Same applies with human body supply adequate amount of carbs , protien and good fats to the body and workout regularly so that the joints gets lubricated and body function properly.

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