
221 Days !

By Manali Jobanputra in Stories » Long
Updated 03:18 IST Jan 03, 2017

Views » 1001 | 7 min read

Sometimes and only sometimes you meet someone and they leave an imprint on you.  It doesn’t take long, barely known each other for a while but feels like ages old.

It was time to depart, her flight was announced and he had to get back to work. She said goodbye with a heavy heart not knowing how he feels.  He waved back, hugged her and let her go. She walked away from him, and with every step that she took, she realized that she’s leaving her heart behind. Her emotions were in a chaos and her mind kept asking just one question – Does he feel the same?

He seemed to be pretty composed, maybe he was masking his feelings or maybe he was just casual and didn’t feel grieved about the goodbye. Shenaz sat on her seat with all these questions and a void in her bosom.  She didn’t even know if she’d ever see him again, she didn’t understand how she lost her heart to VK in a beat!

Tired from the trip and chaos of emotions she shut her eyes hoping to get some sleep. As the plane took off, her heart sank. Flashing in her closed eyes were the memories of the trip,  memories of VK.

She felt helpless,  choked,  irrational and confused. What was wrong, how does someone so recent become so important and conquer one’s heart? Lost in her thoughts, Shenaz gave in to Slumber.

Wakened by the landing announcements, shenaz sat up and fixed her hair and face. She was happy to return home but had lost her heart back in New York! [the DDLJ feel😉 ]

After long hours of immigration and baggage claim she finally took a cab home. She wondered if VK still thought of her, she wondered if she should message him, would she look desperate?  Gosh this had to stop, it was driving her insane.

Soon after Shenaz reached home, she gave in to the jet lag and woke up only next morning  in her isolated dome. Shenaz stayed alone in a rented apartment, she found solace in loneliness.

Something had changed though, she longed for someone’s company, she now suddenly wanted someone around, and that someone meant VK. She couldn’t handle it anymore, she grabbed her phone hoping for a text from him, but to her dismay.

Jetlagged, emotionally chaotic and probably in love Shenaz dialed VK. He answered her call, and as she spoke with him her frustration changed into excitement. They spoke for about 30 full minutes, and he said he missed her. Shenaz bubbled with joy.

She soon got used to VK calling everyday and talking and texting the usual dating ritual as it may seem. She slipped even more and realized that she indeed was in love with VK.

But she still didn’t know if he felt the same.  She decided to tell him when they spoke next. Excited yet nervous Shenaz called VK, and to her surprise he declined the call. She assumed he maybe busy and patiently waited for his call.

1 hour..  3 hours..  6 hours..  A day..  VK did not call.  She lost her patience and called him again only to get no response. Her call wasn’t answered. She wondered what was wrong. She dropped him a text asking if he was OK, but she got no reply.

VK, aka Virat Kohli (not the cricketer :p) was a mysterious man who lived in New York. Ruggedly handsome, charming,  funny and a complete gentleman! There’s no woman who would NOT fall for him.

But who was he? What did he do? How did he meet Shenaz?

VK was a hitman. His handsome looks hid his motives, and his charming smile hid the crudeness of his dark reality. VK was hired to kill Shenaz in New York, but in his act of friendship he had actually found a friend. For the 1st time in his life, someone was so kind to him.

He was hired by Shenaz’s mom to kill her as she was an adopted child. By getting her out of the way, the step brother would be the hier.

He couldn’t decide whether to follow his heart to mind. He had to kill her because he was paid for it, it was his job, but he couldn’t because cmon! No matter how dark his soul was, he found light with her.

But he was blackmailed, he had taken a fee for the job and he had to finish it,  because If he didn’t, someone else would. He decided to finish the job himself, his darkness took upon the light spread by Shenaz.

He flew to India and surprised Shenaz. She was ecstatic to see him, she had a wide smile and tears in her eyes. He was happy and guilty too,  he knew what his motive was and that this light and joy that he found with Shenaz was short-lived.

Shenaz was out for control,  her joy knew no bounds. She decided to cook dinner and surprise him. She made his favorite Karela (bitter gourd) even though she hated it. She decided that over dinner she will reveal her feelings for him.
Shenaz on one side was cooking and getting dressed, planning to surprise VK for dinner at his apartment, where as VK on the other was planning the execution of her murder.

Soon it was dusk, Shenaz was nervous and excited both, she thought it was going to be the most special night of her life, little did she know it was going to be her last! Dressed to die, Shenaz drove to VK’s house.

She took him by a surprise as he wasn’t prepared but he was polished enough to manage that. He welcomed her and made her feel comfortable. They sat and talked for hours, sometimes silently starting into each other’s eyes and sometimes yapping about the silliest things. Shenaz finally decided to confess.

As she was about to speak, VK got a call and he excused himself. Shenaz nervous and impatient chose to use the washroom and freshen up before she would proceed. She walked towards his room.

As soon as she opened the door, she was horrified to see her photographs on his wall, surveillance photographs of her every move and a huge  red cross on them.

Scandalized and heartbroken she stood there frozen. She felt nauseous and dizzy, her dreams were shattered, heart was broken and trust betrayed. Tears flooded her eyes and a lump formed in her throat. She knew VK wasn’t what he pretended to be and she was going to die.

She wiped her tears and thought what reason did she have to live anyway, her parents wanted her dead and the only man she ever fell for was soon going to be her murderer. She knew he could never be her lover, but he could be her murder. She loved him so much, that she chose for him to kill her.

She went back with a smiling face as though none of the above had happened. She went close to  where he stood in the balcony and looked into his eyes. He looked into her eyes and he knew he had to kill her now before he felt anymore for her.

While still looking into her eyes, he took his gun and shot her. Her body collapsed on the floor and he held her. She trembled with pain gasping for a breath and he held her in his arms  knowing she’s going to die soon, struggling to keep her eyes open she muttered the words “I love you VK”, and having said that she perished in his arms.

221 days of what she knew him,  she loved him unconditionally  and irrevocably, even after she knew his true face she loved him. I guess even after she died.. She loved him.

She couldn’t live in his arms as his beloved, she chose to die in his arms!

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