

By Sonal yakkundi in Daily Musings
Updated 12:38 IST Aug 12, 2019

Views » 993 | 3 min read

SAVE WATER, DRINK WINE  #Basic Types of Wine You Should Know!


Each wine type actually has its own characteristic and varies from the other. The taste, ingredient, and acidity vary depending on the wine you choose.

To make it simple, we will classify the wine into 5 main categories; Red, White, Rose, Sweet or Dessert and Sparkling. As there are various kinds of wine and their types, here is a list of the basic type which you should know!





1. White Wine


The exact way to make white wine is to extract the red pigments away and utilize on grape juice only. Mostly, white wine will provide flavor character including bright, savory, and creamy based on the inputs. Recommended varieties for wine beginners are Chardonnay, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, and Moscato.



Image result for white wine





Food Pairing: Creamy cheese (Soft Cheese), white bread, meat, fish, seafood or salads.




2. Red Wine


Production of red wine is quite similar to making white wine but only with the addition of grape skin, grape pip and seed incorporated into the fermentation process.

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, and Zinfandel can also be a good choice to start with for wine beginners.




Image result for red wine





Food Pairing: If it is a light-bodied red wine, go with grilled vegetables, white meat or chicken. A medium-bodied to full-bodied can get along well with meat dishes such as steaks, hamburgers or smoked meat but when you feel like pairing wine with Asian dishes, you can read it from here.



3. Rose Wine


Rose wine with a pink rose color is made from red or black grape with short fermentation time, about 12-36 hours only. However, there is another popular style to make this Rose, by just straight away blending red wine and white wine together. The flavor of this wine ranges from dry to sweet and comes with a pale to dark pink color and a lower level of tannin.





Image result for rose wine



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