the lipstick impressions on the edges
is all I have
of life and reminiscence
for the rest it’s more like
being a marionette pulled by invisible strings
in different directions
in an evening of tempests and rain
you lipstick smudge infested the stars
and its ripples swayed
my life
I have forgotten the origin
and in my demise stumbled upon
the pages of a thousand year old tome
where men, real men
settled their love in death
heroes, they were, but I am not among them
I shall live with you in reverie
my material life ignored for another
where I am privileged to bring to life
the lost moments and reverse all my desires
which turned to regret and create rivers in green
there will be times
when you and I will rule everything
faith, desire, destiny and fantasy
as for reality
they are the lies we keep telling ourselves
again and again