
My Anchor !

By Manali Jobanputra in Experiences
Updated 14:15 IST Jan 15, 2017

Views » 779 | 2 min read

From being each other’s ray of hope to having our own world war 3, we’ve seen it all. 5 years , a billion fights, gazillion good times and infinite memories. Our friendship continues to grow sweeter and stronger.

So from my bag of infinite memories, here’s one of the most beautiful ones. I call it : ‘ Private Concert ‘

So I probably was cursed during that period of my life because I ended up attracting all Mr.Wrong’s, and one of those morons turned out to be an unfaithful creep.

As a result of which, I was deep lost into tears and sorrow and all those post breakup habits of starving my freedom, overfeeding my tummy and staying up for days together.

Habeil spent a major chunk of his day with me to keep my spirits up but as soon as he would leave, I’d topple down the past. On one of those nights, I went on a crying trip, went on for about 3 hours and showed no sign of sanity.

The one thing that can bring back my sanity from any state is hearing Habeil sing, he’s my very own Arjit Singh. ЁЯШБ So that night,  to put me to sleep,  Habeil went on singing for a full 2 hours without complaining, just to make sure that I sleep in peace. It worked, I didn’t even realise when I boarded the slumber train.

It was the first time in a very long span that I slept so peacefully and if it were not for Habeil, I wouldn’t have. He kept me strong through that entire phase and made me realize what’s actually worth.

Every ship needs an anchor and Habeil’s mine. A simple unconditional and true relationship, just two wonderful people and a special bond.

Thank-you for always having my back Habeil Masoodi, you’re the best . I’m blessed to have a wonderful friend like you. I can always confide in you without a doubt. Thank you for being such a special  part of my journey.

What about you? Found your Anchor yet ?

– Manali Jobanputra

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