

By ViGo in Stories » True Story
Updated 12:31 IST Aug 09, 2022

Views » 1207 | 5 min read

Ironman !!!


3.8 kms swim 

180 Kms Bike 

42.2 Kms Run 


True test of determination discipline dedication, it is said that a person changes once he crosses the magical finish line !!! However the process starts once a person starts training for the same, all You need to do is just trust the process , @radkar82, 


After finishing the Bergman race in kolhapur life started throwing challenges which a normal person would succumb to, however training for this stupendous race taught me #anythingispossible , I was excited to participate in my first Official ironman race 70.3 , Dubai , and mom got ill, suddenly plans just collapsed, it was a difficult time, task to stay with mom in hospital, manage work, do the training , it was a super multitasking phase , wherein I had to take a decision whether to race or not, and then Mom answered, she got better and was doing good, so as decided we flew to Dubai and the 2nd day Sarkar called , she's on a ventilator, and again all decided plans seemed to be collapsing, still as decided I stood at the start line, pretty tough thing to do , when ur mom is on ventilator and u start a 70.3, a tough battle , mind vs body !!!! Somehow again all fell in place and I finished the race, rushed back to show my mom the medal , she saw it, acknowledged it , that was a miracle , and again she started collapsing , then I had to call Ved to take the worst decision of my life, sign onto papers to pull the plug, Trust me , my mind my hands my soul my heart never ever shivered so much, but I had to to do it , and she passed away on 22.03.2022, it was a different world all together, no dad , no mom just us kids , just to keep my mind busy I started my normal routine , train, work eat sleep repeat , it was tough , and then Ved said, bro everyone will look upto you, my family his family , that gave me a sense of greater responsibility, my ego just mellowed down, I started to change for good , and that's when I started to stay calm, whatever life was throwing at me , all my decisions were made considering the well being of 8 of us, in the mean time training started getting harder and harder which made my mind busy, and that's when my family got into this, ved simran aahana seher ishan ira & Sarkar , it was one dream for so many people , and to top it Charlie was always encouraging to stick to the plans, 


I once said to my son that D day, 06.08.2022, is arriving soon, and what he said changed my perspective, he said its a dream day dad , just go for it !!! It charged me up, and I was there in tallinn with all my buddies , pre race day team meeting and suddenly the jitters goosebumps anxiety started showing up out of no where, it was an emotional struggle which only 2 guyz knew in tallin , one just stayed with me, and coach said don't worry, she will be there for the run, just go for it , again I gathered myself, and was standing on the start line for my first ironman race, the first one happens only once !!! 

The race threw whatever it could, 

Cold choppy waters, rains, crazzyy headwinds , sunny afternoon, cold and Chilly evening for the finish line , but she was there , throughout, pushing me, as she used to do since my childhood, I kept going just to be there at the finish line, 


Trust me, when they announce, 


You Are An Ironman !!! 


Suddenly it makes you realize what you have been through , sweat,sacrifice, blood, fights, small and big, the support and sacrifice which your family gives, it's priceless, and I thank God from the bottom of my heart !!!


The picture is very nice, me the medal the finish line, but behind it are countless emotions, fights, sacrifices,


This was possible only because of Coach , @radkar82, his vision, his plans, his execution, his process, all you need to do is have a dream and Just Trust The Process, that will no doubt get you across that magical finish line, 


Big thanks to all rad buddies, the training was always fun to do, 

Special Thanks to my running partner , Alok , gem of a guy, and then as usual, Charlie is always there for me, one guy I can count on, whatever it maybe, he's always there for me, missed him big time for the race, next one with you Mauli, 

S.A.R.K.A.R without whom this wasn't possible, she just sacrificed 2 years of her time for me, that is such a big thing, it's so priceless, nobody can do that, and she never uttered a word, I am sorry for all my bad tantrums, actually she's the one who deserves the medal and not me, 


Coach, Gratitude all the way, 


Once again big thanks Ved Simran Aahana Seher Ishan Ira & Sarkar this wasn't possible without U all !!! 


Ironman !!!

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