
Dear Indians

By Manali Jobanputra in Experiences
Updated 17:40 IST Jun 19, 2017

Views » 802 | 3 min read

After the final match yesterday between India and Pakistan, I do understand most of us are disheartened and so are our players, but after seeing the outcome of this disappointment, on social media, I’m urged to write this. 

I opened my Facebook, and it was flooded with trolls of team India and Captain Kohli, and I wasn’t very surprised, because our countrymen enjoy taunting and trolling, but I was irritated by the idiocracy and immaturity of some “GREAT MINDS” (please smell the sarcasm). 

I saw at least a few hundred posts on how Captain Kohli, or M. S Dhoni should have played, and how Ravindra Jadeja should have run to save Hardik Padya from getting run out. Others blabbered and scrutinized team India’s bowling skills. Well, looks like we have hundreds of coaches here, who apparently are more talented than our Team INDIA, and would love to coach them. 

To ALL THOSE who put up such posts, I OPENLY CHALLENGE YOU to show your ‘FABULOUS’ skills in actions than words and get selected to be a part of team India. It’s very easy to sit on a couch munching popcorn and commenting on how one should play the game, but being there on the field and holding the bat and playing, is a different story altogether. 

Those players up there, are excellently talented and skilled, and that’s the reason they are there representing our country, while you’re munching fries on your couch. How many of you think that you could even reach the basic level of selection, forget representing India on an International platform.

Moreover, before pointing out fingers at someone else, just take a look in the mirror yourself and ask, ; Have your never failed? Have you always excelled in every task of life? Are you perfect? I can vouch for your answers to be accepting a few faults and failures. 

What is it that you needed the most when you failed? Your friends and relatives trolling you on social media? Or you’d expect them to come comfort you and encourage you? 
WE are the citizens of our country, and probably the BIGGEST encouragement to Team India, and in times of despair, where we should be comforting them and encouraging them, our countrymen are busy trolling them. IT’S A SHAME! 

I hope I’ve made my point absolutely clear, and one last thing : before you share that malicious and offensive troll, just picture yourself in it once.

P.S : If you’re still upset about yesterday’s match, just think about the time our dad’s purposely lost a game to make us win and see us smile! ЁЯШЙ Consider yesterday one of those! 

P. P. S : Team India, we LOVE you no matter what, and you have brought us many trophies, we are PROUD OF YOU! 


- Manali Jobanputra

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