
One Step At A Time

By Shibani in Daily Musings
Updated 08:49 IST Mar 23, 2021

Views » 903 | 3 min read

कसला भारी आहे हा !! (Just look at him!!) I overheard 2 fellow trekkers look at Kabir and exclaim. I looked at my little man proudly and gave myself a pat on my back. Only I knew the innumerable times I got Kabir on the hill to get him to love it. From, 'help me to climb' and 'hold my hand' to running confidently we have come a long way.

Being a mom of 2 kids is a tiring job, I am not ashamed to admit it. Especially when the elder one is nearing 10 and very independent and just when you are going to be a free bird you have another child to nurture and support. So....I have my share of sulking moments but I choose to brush them aside and move on. Since lockdown and the parks being shut hills have come to our rescue. Even though we stay very close to the hills I never really went often but then Kabir came along and now we go atleast 3 times a week. Many times I take my pet daughters Rani and Minti who are 14 and 13 and still going strong. I feel I owe it to them to make up for the times I have been busy to take them...

Our ritual is to climb up, find a spot and open our snack box. Secretly I feel Kabir is more interested in eating that than climbing. Then after a lot of chatter about the sun and stones,why clouds are blue,buildings and entertaining people around us we say our 'Om' at the Hanuman Temple and return back.

From not leaving my hand to now a confident climber I have seen him progress. As I encourage Kabir to find his way over the stones, ups and downs I can't help but feel that through this simple activity I am teaching him the ropes of life.

Take a firm grip, walk on stones and not loose sand, first check your options and then choose a path which is easier, look down where you are walking, don't keep running without looking around, it's okay to stop, take a breath,sip water, rest and then continue, it's okay to fall and get hurt and scratched a little bit because small scratches can prepare you to avoid big ones. Everyday he shows me where he has got hurt, everyday I tell him it's okay, he has been a brave boy !

As Punekars we are lucky to be surrounded by these beautiful hills. We need to make the most of it. Don't wait for anybody's company, don't worry if your child will climb or not. Be ready to put in work but the rewards are magical.

Kabir now climbs the entire Vetal tekdi and back, he will turn 3 next month. 

P.s. has anyone acknowledged that this year we might be able to enjoy the summers because last year we were in a lockdown. Last year we couldn't move around from April onwards and we missed out on so much. I am so grateful for 2021. Please please wear a mask and let's be careful. Our children need to enjoy nature, be outdoors and have fun. Because of our carelessness they are missing out on school and normal life. Masks, handwash, how difficult can it be !!

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